Welcome to EmuWiki, a site dedicated to emulators (and not only). To learn more, read the introduction or see this video and for any questions, comments or more, please go to the ‘Contact page’. If you want, you can also do some research on the site (for emulators you can also use the search box at the top left corner, copying and pasting only the name without the version) or visit our group on Facebook (it’s in Italian but you can also write in English). Remember also that the site is optimized for Firefox and Chrome.
2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 |
28 DECEMBER 2015
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new emulators (Firebird v0.30 [Calculators], Matsu GBC v1.50 [Nintendo Game Boy Color], Matsu WSC v1.06 [WonderSwan], Tendo64 v1.1.1 [Nintendo 64], XEBRA v15.12.03 [Sony PlayStation]) and new versions of existing ones (Andro12C financial v2.30 [Calcolators], Andro12C financial free v2.23 [Calculators], ColEm v3.5.2 [ColecoVision], ePSXe v1.9.40 [Sony PlayStation], fMSX v4.4.1 [MSX], iNES v4.4.2 [Nintendo NES], John GBA v3.08 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], John GBC v3.08 [Nintendo Game Boy], John NES v3.09 [Nintendo NES], John SNES v3.09 [Nintendo SNES], Magic DosBox v1.0.34 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], MasterGear v3.4.6 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], Mobile C64 v1.7.7 [Commodore 64], Play! v2015.12.20 [Sony PlayStation 2], Speccy v4.0 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], SuperLegacy16 v1.6.10 [Nintendo SNES], SuperRetro16 Lite v1.6.12 [Nintendo SNES], Uae4all2 v2.3.7.0 [Commodore Amiga], Unreal Speccy Portable v0.0.68 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], uoYabause v0.1.18a [Sega Saturn], Virtual GameBoy v4.8.2 [Nintendo Game Boy], VGBAnext v1.4.4 [Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Advance], XM8 v1.61 [NEC PC-8801/8801MA]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new emulators (Compukit UK101 Simulation v1.3.0 [Compukit UK101], Firebird v0.30 [Calculators]) and new versions of existing ones (BizHawk v1.11.4 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], J80 v6.6.16 [NEC PC-8001], JavaCPC Desktop v2.9o [Amstrad CPC], MacFCEU v0.9d9 [Nintendo NES], Mark 5 Emulator v1.3.1 [Hitachi Basic Master Level3 Mark5], Mark 5 SDL Emulator v1.3.1 [Hitachi Basic Master Level3 Mark5], mGBA v0.3.2 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], OpenEmu v2.0.1 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], OpenEmu (experimental) v2.0.1 [Arcade (MAME)], Play! v2015.12.20 [Sony PlayStation 2], SixtyForce v1.0.1 [Nintendo 64], u80 v1.b.58 [NEC TK-80/TK-85], uBee512 v5.7.0 [MicroBee], VirtualBox v5.0.12 [Virtual Machines], VMware Fusion v8.1.0 [Virtual Machines]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (Compukit UK101 Simulation v1.3.0 [Compukit UK101], Firebird v0.30 [Calculators], GameGuha v0.36 [Nintendo Game Boy], Gekko v2012.07.12 [Nintendo GameCube], JMEBoy v1.5.3 [Nintendo Game Boy], JSwingBoy v1.2.14 [Nintendo Game Boy], Klive v1.1 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Makaron - Naomi test 12/7 [Sega Naomi], Nestopia Git v2015.12.28 [Nintendo NES], Uosnes v2010.08.25 [Nintendo SNES], XEmuGB v1.7 [Nintendo Game Boy], Yabause Devmiyax v0.1.14–20151225 [Sega Saturn]) and new versions of existing ones (4DO v1.3.2.4 [3DO], Altirra v2.70 [Atari 8-bit], BizHawk v1.11.4 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Cemu v1.2.0 [Nintendo Wii U], Citra v2015.12.23 [Nintendo 3DS], Common Source Code Project 2015.12.23 [Japanese Computers & Consoles], Decaf-Emu v2015.12.24 [Nintendo Wii U], DEmul v0.7 Alpha-20151222 [Sega Dreamcast], DeSmuME SVN r5324 [Nintendo DS], Dolphin Git v4.0–8445 [Nintendo GameCube/Wii], DOSBox SVN r3955 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], FCEUltra MM v0.98.13–20151210 [Nintendo NES], Fceux SVN r3191 [Nintendo NES], Final Burn Alpha Shuffle v2.4.0–20151208 [Arcade (MISC)], FS-UAE v2.7.6dev [Commodore Amiga], Higan v096 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], HT1080Z v1.6.6 [System 80/Video Genie], Ishiiruka-Dolphin Custom Version v2015.12.19 [Nintendo GameCube/Wii], J80 v6.6.16 [NEC PC-8001], JavaCPC Desktop v2.9o [Amstrad CPC], JPCSP v0.7 rev 267ba68 [Sony PSP], Mark 5 Emulator v1.3.1 [Hitachi Basic Master Level3 Mark5], mGBA v0.3.2 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], Nemulator v3.5 [Nintendo NES], OpenMSX Git 2015.12.23 [MSX], Pantheon v3.880 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Pasofami v2.22 [Nintendo Game Boy/NES/SNES], PCSX2 Git 2015.12.25 [Sony PlayStation 2], Play! v2015.12.20 [Sony PlayStation 2], Project64 Git v2015.12.26 [Nintendo 64], Reicast 2015.12.18 [Sega Dreamcast], RPCS3 Git v0.0.0.6–20151225 [Sony PlayStation 3], RuMSX v0.81 [MSX], SainT v2.40 [Atari ST], SDLMAME for Windows v0.168 [Arcade (MAME)], Soft64 v2015.12.25 [Nintendo 64], Speccy v4.0 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Stella SVN r3237 [Atari 2600], Supermodel SVN r276 [Sega Model 3], ThunderMAME32UI+ v0.160X-20151212 [Arcade (MAME)], u80 v1.b.58 [NEC TK-80/TK-85], uBee512 v5.7.0 [MicroBee], Universal Emulator v1.01–20151221 [Soviet Computers], VirtualBox v5.0.12 [Virtual Machines], Visual Pinball v10.0 [Pinball], VMware Workstation Player v12.1.0 [Virtual Machines], VMware Workstation Pro v12.1.0 [Virtual Machines], WinDS PRO v2015.12.16 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinDS PRO APPS v2015.12.16 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinVICE SVN r30324 [Commodore 8-bit Machines], WinUAE v3.2.2 [Commodore Amiga], Xenia v2015.12.23 [X-BOX 360], XM7 Dash v1.2L77R25/v2.9L77R25/v3.4L77R25 [Fujitsu FM-7/FM-8], XM8 v1.61 [NEC PC-8801/8801MA], ZXMAK2 SVN r39899 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum]);
- Completed the letter Q of the ‘Online Retro Games - MAME’ section.
07 DECEMBER 2015
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new versions of existing ones (ColEm v3.5.1 [ColecoVision], ePSXe v1.9.39 [Sony PlayStation], FPse v0.11.174 [Sony PlayStation], go48g v1.1.0 [Calculators], go48s v1.3.0 [Calculators], iNES v4.4.1 [Nintendo NES], John GBA v3.06 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], John GBC v3.06 [Nintendo Game Boy], John NES v3.06 [Nintendo NES], John SNES v3.06 [Nintendo SNES], Magic DosBox v1.0.33 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], MasterGear v3.4.5 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], Mobile Gameboy v1.17.1 [Nintendo Game Boy], openMSX v0.12.0 [MSX], Play! v2015.11.22 [Sony PlayStation 2], uoYabause v0.1.17c [Sega Saturn], VGBAnext v1.4.3 [Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Advance], Virtual GameBoy v4.8.1 [Nintendo Game Boy], XM8 v1.60 [NEC PC-8801/8801MA]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new versions of existing ones (Emulicious v2015.12.04 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], J80 v6.6.12 [NEC PC-8001], MAME/MESS v0.168 [Arcade (MAME)], Play! v2015.11.22 [Sony PlayStation 2], u80 v1.b.56 [NEC TK-80/TK-85]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (Emurayden v2.2 [Sony PlayStation], PCem-X v10 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], PSP Player v1.0.0.0 [Sony PSP], Yaupspe r38 [Sony PSP]) and new versions of existing ones (Amiga Forever 2016 [Commodore Amiga], Bsnes-Classic v073u1–20151120 [Nintendo SNES], Bsnes-Plus v073+2–20151125 [Nintendo SNES], C64 Forever 2016 [Commodore 64], CANAME v0.62.168 [Arcade (MAME)], Cemu v1.1.1 [Nintendo Wii U], Citra v2015.12.04 [Nintendo 3DS], Classic99 v387 [TI-99/4A], Colem v3.5 [ColecoVision], Common Source Code Project v2015.11.18 [Japanese Computers & Consoles], Decaf-Emu v2015.12.03 [Nintendo Wii U], DeSmuME SVN r5322 [Nintendo DS], Dolphin Git v4.0–8297 [Nintendo GameCube/Wii], DOSBox SVN r3954 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], Emulicious v2015.12.04 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], FCEUX SVN r3186 [Nintendo NES], FMSX v4.4 [MSX], FS-UAE v2.7.5dev [Commodore Amiga], GroovyMame v0.168 SR v0.015k [Arcade (MAME)], HBMAME/UI v0.168 [Arcade (MAME)], HQMAME v2.29 [Arcade (MAME)], Ishiiruka-Dolphin Custom Version v2015.12.06 [Nintendo GameCube/Wii], J80 v6.6.12 [NEC PC-8001], JoyToKey v5.8.1 [Joystick/Gamepad], MAME/ARCADE v0.168 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME/MESS v0.168 [Arcade (MAME)], Mame32K v0.67.168 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME32 More! v0.84.168 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! [Ash Build] v0.168 [Arcade (MAME)], Mame/MameUI Plus! v0.168 [Arcade (MAME)], MameUI v0.168 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUIFX v0.168 [Arcade (MAME)], MasterGear v3.4 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], MESS v0.168 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MESSUI v0.168 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MEWUI FOR MAME/MESS v1.68 [Arcade (MAME)], Nintendulator v0.975-beta20151119 [Nintendo NES], NMamex2 v0.168 [Arcade (MAME)], Nucleus v2015.11.20 [Sony PlayStation 3], OpenMsx Git v2015.12.04 [MSX], PCSX2 GIT v2015.12.05 [Sony PlayStation 2], Play! v2015.11.22 [Sony PlayStation 2], Project64 Git v2015.12.06 [Nintendo 64], RPCS3 Git v2015.12.06 [Sony PlayStation 3], Soft64 v2015.12.04 [Nintendo 64], Steem SSE v3.7.3 [Atari ST], Stella SVN r3234 [Atari 2600], ThunderMAME32UI+ v0.160X-20151202 [Arcade (MAME)], u80 v1.b.56 [NEC TK-80/TK-85], WinAPE v2.0 beta 1 [Amstrad CPC], WinDS PRO v2015.12.03 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinFellow v0.5.3 r1004 Alpha [Commodore Amiga], WinUAE v3.2.1 [Commodore Amiga], WinVICE SVN r30264 [Commodore 8-bit Machines], WolfMame v0.168 [Arcade (MAME)], Xebra/Arbex v2015.12.03 [Sony PlayStation], Xenia v2015.12.06 [X-Box 360], XM8 v1.60 [NEC PC-8801/8801MA], Yabause Git v2015.11.19 [Sega Saturn]);
- Completed the letter P of the ‘Online Retro Games - MAME’ section.
16 NOVEMBER 2015
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new versions of existing ones (Andro12C financial v2.24 [Calculators], Andro12C financial free v2.20 [Calculators], cAndy Apple v2.00 [Apple II], ColEm v3.5 [ColecoVision], DosBox Manager v2.2.0 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], DosBox Turbo v2.2.0 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], ePSXe v1.9.38 [Sony PlayStation], fMSX v4.3.1 [MSX], iNES v4.4 [Nintendo NES], Jnes v1.4.15.64 [Nintendo NES], MAME4Droid Reloaded v1.10 [Arcade (MAME)], MasterGear v3.4.4 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], PC6001VX v2.11 [NEC PC-6001], Play! v2015.11.08 [Sony PlayStation 2], Speccy v3.9.1 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], TRS-80 Emulator v0.28 [TRS-80], Unreal Speccy Portable v0.0.66.3 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], VGBAnext v1.4.2 [Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Advance], Virtual GameBoy v4.8 [Nintendo Game Boy]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new emulators (Visual Boy Advance-M Test Build [Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Advance]) and new versions of existing ones (bsnes-plus v073+2 [Nintendo SNES], FS-UAE v2.6.2 [Commodore Amiga], HP-15C Simulator v3.4.00 [Calculators], J80 v6.6.10 [NEC PC-8001], JPCSP v0.7 rev 3895 [Sony PSP], MacFCEU v0.9d7 [Nintendo NES], MAME/MESS v0.167 [Arcade (MAME)], MEWUI FOR MAME/MESS v1.67 [Arcade (MAME)], mGBA v0.3.1 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], Play! v2015.11.08 [Sony PlayStation 2], Raine v0.64.10 [Arcade (MISC)], Stella v4.6.7 [Atari 2600], u80 v1.B.55 [NEC TK-80/TK-85], VirtualBox v5.0.10 [Virtual Machines], VirtualC64 v1.3 [Commodore 64]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new versions of existing ones (Atari++ v1.80 [Atari 8-bit], bsnes-classic v073u1–20151111 [Nintendo SNES], bsnes-plus v073+2–20151115 [Nintendo SNES], Caname v0.62.167 [Arcade (MAME)], Cemu v1.0.2 [Nintendo Wii U], Citra v2015.11.13 [Nintendo 3DS], Common Source Code Project v2015.10.31 [Japanese Computers & Consoles], Cxbx Shogun v0.8.1-Pre3–20151030 [X-Box], Decaf-Emu v2015.11.11 [Nintendo Wii U], DeSmuME SVN r5321 [Nintendo DS], Doallator v1.26 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Dolphin Git v4.0–8157 [Nintendo Gamecube/Wii], Dolphin v5.0 RC 35 [Nintendo Gamecube/Wii], DOSBox SVN r3953 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], DSP-Emulator v0.16 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Fceux SVN r3184 [Nintendo NES], Final Burn Alpha v0.2.97.37 [Arcade (MISC)], Final Burn Alpha Shuffle v2.4.0–20151110 [Arcade (MISC)], FS-UAE v2.6.2 [Commodore Amiga], FS-UAE SUITE v2.6.2 [Commodore Amiga], FS-UAE v2.7.4dev [Commodore Amiga], GROOVYMAME v0.167 SR v0.015j [Arcade (MAME)], HBMAME/HBMAME UI v0.167 [Arcade (MAME)], HP-15C Simulator v3.4.00 [Calculators], HQMAME v2.28 [Arcade (MAME)], iNES v4.4 [Nintendo NES], Ishiiruka-Dolphin Custom Version v2015.11.10 [Nintendo Gamecube/Wii], J80 v6.6.10 [NEC PC-8001], JoyToKey v5.8 [Joystick/Gamepad], JPCSP v0.7 SVN r3895 [Sony PSP], MAME/ARCADE v0.167 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME/MESS v0.167 [Arcade (MAME)], Mame32K v0.67.167 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME32 More! v0.84.167 [Arcade (MAME)], MameUI v0.167 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUIFX v0.167 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME/MAMEUI Plus! v0.167 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! [Ash Build] v0.167 [Arcade (MAME)], MESS v0.167 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MESSUI v0.167 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MEWUI FOR MAME/MESS v1.67 [Arcade (MAME)], mGBA v0.3.1 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], MS-DOS Player v2015.11.07 [PC DOS (MISC)], NMamex2 v0.167 [Arcade (MAME)], Nucleus v2015.11.12 [Sony PlayStation 3], OpenMsx Git v2015.11.08 [MSX], Pantheon v3.762 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], PC6001VX v2.11 [NEC PC-6001], PCem v10.1 [PC (IBM PC XT-AT)], PCSX2 GIT v2015.11.14 [Sony PlayStation 2], Play! v2015.11.08 [Sony PlayStation 2], Project64 v2015.11.14 [Nintendo 64], Raine v0.64.10 [Arcade (MISC)], Reicast v2015.11.14 [Sega Dreamcast], RPCS3 v0.0.0.6–20151114 [Sony PlayStation 3], SDLMAME v0.167 [Arcade (MAME)], Soft64 v2015.11.14 [Nintendo 64], SpecEmu v3.1 build 01.11.2015 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Stella v4.6.7 [Atari 2600], u80 v1.B.55 [NEC TK-80/TK-85], VirtualBox v5.0.10 [Virtual Machines], Virtual GameBoy v4.8 [Nintendo Game Boy], Virtual GameBoy Advance v5.1 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], WinArcadia v24.3 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinDS PRO v2015.11.06 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinDS PRO APPS v2015.10.09 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinVICE SVN r30150 [Commodore 8-bit Machines], WinUAE v3.2.0 [Commodore Amiga], WolfMame v0.167 [Arcade (MAME)], Xenia v2015.11.12 [X-Box 360], XM7 v1.1L77/v2.9L77/v2.9L77v2/v3.4L77 [Fujitsu FM-7/FM-8], XM7dash v1.2L69R24/v2.9L69R24/v3.4L69R24 [Fujitsu FM-7/FM-8], Yabause v2015.10.31 [Sega Saturn]).
25 OCTOBER 2015
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new versions of existing ones (ePSXe v1.9.37 [Sony PlayStation], fMSX v4.3 [MSX], FPse v0.11.173 [Sony PlayStation], John GBA v3.05 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], John GBC v3.05 [Nintendo Game Boy], John NES v3.05 [Nintendo NES], John SNES v3.05 [Nintendo SNES], Play! v2015.10.19 [Sony PlayStation 2], PPSSPP v1.1.1 [Sony PSP], Speccy v3.9 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], TRS-80 Emulator v0.27 [TRS-80], uoYabause v0.1.16b [Sega Saturn], VGBAnext v1.4.1 [Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Advance], Virtual GameBoy v4.7.4 [Nintendo Game Boy], XM8 v1.50 [NEC PC-8801/8801MA]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new versions of existing ones (BizHawk v1.11.3 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], CocoaMSX v1.43beta [MSX], J80 v6.6.6 [NEC PC-8001], JPCSP v0.7 rev 3885 [Sony PSP], MacFCEU v0.9d6 [Nintendo NES], MAMEHub v4.0 [Arcade (MAME)], Mark 5 Emulator v1.28 [Hitachi Basic Master Level 3 Mark 5], Play! v2015.10.11 [Sony PlayStation 2], Play! v2015.10.19 [Sony PlayStation 2], PPSSPP v1.1.1 [Sony PSP], Stella v4.6.6 [Atari 2600], u80 v1.B.54 [NEC TK-80/TK-85], VirtualBox v5.0.8 [Virtual Machines], VirtualC64 v1.1 [Commodore 64]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (Cemu v1.0.1 [Nintendo Wii U], Decaf-Emu v2015.10.24 [Nintendo Wii U], nSide v009r05 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], PB-1000 Emulator v47 [Casio PB-1000], XQEMU v2015.10.19 [X-Box]) and new versions of existing ones (AntiMicro v2.20.2 [Joystick/Gamepad], BizHawk v1.11.3 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Citra v2015.10.23 [Nintendo 3DS], Classic99 v386 [TI-99/4A], Common Source Code Project v2015.10.07 [Japanese Computers & Consoles], DeSmuME SVN r5312 [Nintendo DS], Dolphin Git 4.0–8054 [Nintendio GameCube/Wii], DOSBox SVN r3950 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], FCEUX SVN r3181 [Nintendo NES], Final Burn Alpha Shuffle v2.4.0–20151007 [Arcade (MISC)], fMSX v4.3 [MSX], FS-UAE v2.7.2dev [Commodore Amiga], Higan v095 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Ishiiruka-Dolphin Custom Version v2015.10.09 [Nintendo GameCube/Wii], J80 v6.6.6 [NEC PC-8001], JPCSP v0.7 rev 3885 [Sony PSP], MAMEHub v4.0 [Arcade (MAME)], Mark 5 Emulator v1.28 [Hitachi Basic Master Level 3 Mark 5], MS-DOS Player v2015.10.20 [PC DOS (MISC)], NanoBoy Advance v2015.10.15 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], NMamex2 v0.166–20151007 [Arcade (MAME)], OpenMsx Git v2015.10.21 [MSX], PCSX2 GIT v2015.10.24 [Sony PlayStation 2], Play! v2015.10.19 [Sony PlayStation 2], PPSSPP v1.1.1 [Sony PSP], Project64 Git v2015.10.23 [Nintendo 64], puNES v0.98 [Nintendo NES], Qemu v2.4.0.1 [PC (X86/X86–64)], Reicast v2015.10.09 [Sega Dreamcast], RPCEmu Spoon Edition v0.8.13 [Acorn Risc PC-A7000], RPCS3 Git v2015.10.14 [Sony PlayStation 3], SNES9X Git v2015.10.12 [Nintendo SNES], SNES9x TestBuild-20151011 [Nintendo SNES], Soft64 v2015.10.24 [Nintendo 64], Speccy v3.9 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Stella v4.6.6 [Atari 2600], Stella SVN r3228 [Atari 2600], Sugarbox v0.25 [Amstrad CPC], u80 v1.B.54 [NEC TK-80/TK-85], UKNC Back to Life! v1.0.552 [Soviet Computers], Universal Emulator v1.01–20151020 [Soviet Computers], VirtualBox v5.0.8 [Virtual Machines], Virtual GameBoy Advance v5.0 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], WinArcadia v24.22 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinDS PRO v2015.10.09 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Xebra v2015.10.11 [Sony PlayStation], Xenia v2015.10.24 [X-Box 360], XM7 Dash v1.2L69R23 v2.9L69R23 v3.4L69R23 [Fujitsu FM-7/FM-8], XM8 v1.50 [NEC PC-8801/8801MA], Yabause Git v2015.10.24 [Sega Saturn], YAPE SDL v0.58.2 [Commodore 16/116/Plus 4]);
- Completed the letters N and O of the ‘Online Retro Games - MAME’ section.
05 OCTOBER 2015
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new versions of existing ones (ColEm v3.4.6 [ColecoVision], ePSXe v1.9.36 [Sony Playstation], iNES v4.3.10 [Nintendo NES], Magic DosBox v1.0.32 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], MAME4Droid Reloaded v1.9.6 [Arcade (MAME)], MasterGear v3.4.3 [Sega Game Gear/Master System], Mini vMac v1.3.0 [Apple Macintosh], Mini vMac II v2.3.0 [Apple Macintosh], Play! v2015.10.04 [Sony PlayStation 2], PPSSPP v1.1 [Sony PSP], PS-Xplay v4.0 [Sony PlayStation], Speccy v3.8.4 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], uoYabause v0.1.15b [Sega Saturn], VGBAnext v1.3.9 [Nintendo Game Boy / Game Boy Advance], Virtual GameBoy v4.7.3 [Nintendo Game Boy], XM8 v1.40 [NEC PC-8801/8801MA]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new emulators (MEWUI FOR MAME/MESS v1.66 [Arcade (MAME)]) and new versions of existing ones (FS-UAE v2.6.1 [Commodore Amiga], J80 v6.6.4 [NEC PC-8001], JPCSP v0.7 rev 3875 [Sony PSP], MacFCEU v0.9d5 [Nintendo NES], MAME/MESS v0.166 [Arcade (MAME)], Play! v2015.10.04 [Sony PlayStation 2], Shoebill v0.0.5 [Apple Macintosh], Stella v4.6.5 [Atari 2600], u80 v1.B.52 [NEC TK-80/TK-85], VirtualBox v5.0.6 [Virtual Machine], VirtualC64 v1.0 [Commodore 64], VMware Fusion v8.0.1 [Virtual Machine], ZEsarUX v3.1 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum/80/81]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (MZ-800 Emulator v1.0.2 [Sharp MZ Series], OpenMsx Git v2015.10.03 [MSX], Reicast v2015.09.29 [Sega Dreamcast]) and new versions of existing ones (Agat Emulator v1.27 [Apple II/II+/IIe], AntiMicro v2.19.3 [Joystick/Gamepad], CANAME v0.62.166 [Arcade (MAME)], Citra v2015.10.04 [Nintendo 3DS], Classic99 v385 [TI-99/4A], Common Source Code Project v2015.09.30 [Japanese Computers & Consoles], DEmul v0.7 Alpha-20150923 [Sega Dreamcast/Naomi], DeSmuME SVN r5293 [Nintendo DS], Dolphin Git 4.0–7933 [Nintendo GameCube/Wii], Dolphin v5.0 RC 34 [Nintendo GameCube/Wii], DOSBox v0.74 for xBRZ v1.4 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], DOSBox SVN r3945 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], EMU7800 v1.8 [Atari 2600/7800], FCEUX SVN r3177 [Nintendo NES], FS-UAE v2.6.1 [Commodore Amiga], FS-UAE v2.7.1dev [Commodore Amiga], GROOVYMAME v0.166 SR v0.015i [Arcade (MAME)], HBMAME/HBMAME UI v0.166 [Arcade (MAME)], HQMAME v2.27 [Arcade (MAME)], Ishiiruka-Dolphin Custom Version v2015.10.01 [Nintendo GameCube/Wii], J80 v6.6.4 [NEC PC-8001], JPCSP v0.7 rev 3875 [Sony PSP], Kindred v1.07 build 3 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], MAME32k v0.67.166 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME32 More! v0.84.166 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME/ARCADE [Arcade (MAME)], MAME/MESS v0.166 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUI v0.166 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUIFX v0.166 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME/MAMEUI Plus! v0.166 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! [Ash Build] v0.166 [Arcade (MAME)], Mednafen v0.9.38.7 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], MESS v0.166 [Multi-Systems (MESS9], MESSUI v0.166 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MEWUI FOR MAME/MESS v1.66 [Arcade (MAME)], NanoBoy Advance v2015.09.29 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], Nintendulator SVN r1318 [Nintendo NES], Pantheon v3.650 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], PCSX2 GIT v2015.09.28 [Sony PlayStation 2], Play! v2015.10.04 [Sony PlayStation 2], PPSSPP v1.1 [Sony PSP], Project64 Git v2015.10.01 [Nintendo 64], Raine v0.64.9 [Arcade (MISC)], RPCS3 v0.0.0.6 [Sony PlayStation 3], Soft64 v2015.10.02 [Nintendo 64], Stella v4.6.5 [Atari 2600], Stella SVN r3221 [Atari 2600], u80 v1.B.52 [NEC TK-80/TK-85], VirtualBox v5.0.6 [Virtual Machines], Visual Boy Advance-M v2.0.0 beta 2 [Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Advance], VMware Workstation Player v12.0 [Virtual Machines], VMware Workstation Pro v12.0 [Virtual Machines], WinArcadia v24.21 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinVICE SVN r29906 [Commodore 8-bit Machines], WolfMame v0.166 [Arcade (MAME)], XM8 v1.40 [NEC PC-8801/8801MA], Xenia v2015.09.23 [X-Box 360], Xpeccy v0.6–20150927 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Yabause Git v2015.10.04 [Sega Saturn], Yanese v0.89 [Nintendo NES], ZEsarUX v3.1 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum/80/81]).
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new versions of existing ones (Beebdroid v2.0 [Acorn BBC-Micro], ColEm v3.4.5 [ColecoVision], ePSXe v1.9.35 [Sony PlayStation], fMSX v4.2.7 [MSX], FPse v0.11.172 [Sony PlayStation], iNES v4.3.9 [Nintendo NES], MasterGear v3.4.2 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], Play! v2015.09.13 [Sony PlayStation 2], Speccy v3.8.3 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], SuperLegacy16 v1.6.7 [Nintendo SNES], SuperRetro16 Lite v1.6.10 [Nintendo SNES], uoYabause v0.1.14 [Sega Saturn], VGBAnext v1.3.8 [Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Advance], Virtual GameBoy v4.7.2 [Nintendo Game Boy], Wabbitemu v1.05.10 [Calculators]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new versions of existing ones (HalfNES v0.60 [Nintendo NES], Hatari v1.9.0 [Atari ST], J80 v6.6.2 [NEC PC-8001], JPCSP v0.7 rev 3796 [Sony PSP], OpenMSX v0.12.0 [MSX], Play! v2015.09.13 [Sony PlayStation 2], u80 v1.B.51 [NEC TK-80/TK-85], VirtualBox v5.0.4 [Virtual Machines], VirtualC64 v1.0 RC 4 [Commodore 64], XEiJ v0.15.08.31 [Sharp X68000]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (Castaway v0.9.2 [Atari ST], Dolwin Git v2015.09.14 [Nintendo GameCube], GalEMU v0.40.9 [Arcade (MISC)], Javatari v4.1 [Atari 2600], Jagulator v2.02 [Atari Jaguar], NanoBoyAdvance v2015.09.16 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], SSF Test Version v2015.09.06 [Sega Saturn]) and new versions of existing ones (AntiMicro v2.19.2 (Joystick/Gamepad), BSNES-PLUS v073+1–20150916 [Nintendo SNES], CCS64 v3.9.2 [Commodore 64], Citra v2015.09.15 [Nintendo 3DS], Classic99 v384 [TI-99/4A], Common Source Code Project v2015.09.17 [Japanese Computers & Consoles], Doallator v1.25 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], DeSmuME SVN r5277 [Nintendo DS], Dolphin v5.0 RC 27 [Nintendo GameCube/Wii], Dolphin Git 4.0–7729 [Nintendo GameCube/Wii], DOSBox SVN r3935 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], FCEUltra MM v0.98.13–20150908 [Nintendo NES], FCEUX SVN r3156 [Nintendo NES], FS-UAE v2.5.40dev [Commodore Amiga], GROOVYMAME v0.165 SR v0.015i [Arcade (MAME)], HalfNES v0.60 [Nintendo NES], Hatari v1.9.0 [Atari ST], Ishiiruka-Dolphin Custom Version v2015.09.07 [Nintendo GameCube/Wii], J80 v6.6.2 [NEC PC-8001], JPCSP v0.7 rev 3796 [Sony PSP], MAME/MAMEUI Plus! v0.165 r5264 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! [Ash Build] v0.165 [Arcade (MAME)], OpenMSX v0.12.0 [MSX], PCSX2 GIT v2015.09.17 [Sony PlayStation 2], Play! v2015.09.13 [Sony PlayStation 2], Project64 Git v2015.09.17 [Nintendo 64], puNES v0.97 [Nintendo NES], RacerMAME v0.160 [Arcade (MAME)], RPCS3 v0.0.0.5–20150916 [Sony PlayStation 3], Soft64 v2015.09.15 [Nintendo 64], Speccy v3.8.3 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Stella SVN r3209 [Atari 2600], ThunderMAME32+ v0.106X-20150902 [Arcade (MAME)], u80 v1.B.51 [NEC TK-80/TK-85], VirtualBox v5.0.4 [Virtual Machines], vJoy v2.0.6 RC3 [Joystick/Gamepad], WinVICE SVN r29887 [Commodore 8-bit Machines], Xebra v2015.08.31 [Sony PlayStation], XEiJ v0.15.08.31 [Sharp X68000], Xenia v2015.09.13 [X-BOX 360], XM7 Dash v1.2L63R22 v2.9L63R22 v3.4L63R22 [Fujitsu FM-7/FM-8], Yabause Git v2015.09.17 [Sega Saturn], Yanese v0.85 [Nintendo NES]);
- Completed the letter M of the ‘Online Retro Games - MAME’ section.
31 AUGUST 2015
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new emulators (Arkanoids Classic v3.0.4 [Android Retrogames], BKEMU v0.3.0 [Soviet Computers], Childhood Memory v1.0 [Multi-System], CoolNDS v1.0 [Nintendo DS], Karateka Classic v1.01 [Android Retrogames], Nintedroid v3.5 [Nintendo NES/SNES], PAC-MAN 256 - Endless Maze 1.0.2 [Android Retrogames], PC6001VX v2.01 [NEC PC-6001], Real3DOPlayer v1.0.5 [3DO], Retro Blitz v1.10 [Android Retrogames], Retro Game Collection v1.3 [Android Retrogames], Retro Grid v0.1 [Android Retrogame], Retro Pilot v1.24 [Android Retrogames], Retro Wars Arcade v1.0 [Android Retrogames], Soft GBA v1.6 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], Soft NDS v6 [Nintendo DS], Space Invaders Retro Blaster v1.5.1 [Android Retrogames], Super Arcade Emulator v1.0 [Arcade (MISC)], Voxel Invaders v1.9 [Android Retrogames]) and new versions of existing ones (Amiga Forever Essentials v1.04 [Commodore Amiga], Andro12C financial v2.23 [Calculators], Andro12C financial free v2.12 [Calculators], ColEm v3.4.4 [ColecoVision], DroidEmu v2.6.0 [Multi-System], ePSXe v1.9.34 [Sony PlayStation], fMSX Deluxe v4.2.6 [MSX], iNES v4.3.8 [Nintendo NES], Intel 8085 Simulator v1.42 [Intel 8085], John NES v3.03 [Nintendo NES], Magic DosBox v1.0.31 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], MAME4droid v1.5.3 [Arcade (MAME)], MasterGear v3.4.1 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], Mobile C64 v1.7.6 [Commodore 64], Play! v2015.08.23 [Sony PlayStation 2], Pretendo N64 Emulator v2.1 [Nintendo 64], Pretendo NDS Emulator v2.2 [Nintendo DS], Retro Emulator v6.0 [Sega MegaDrive/Genesis], Speccy v3.8.2 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Uae4all2 v2.3.6.7 [Commodore Amiga], uoYabause v0.1.12 [Sega Saturn], VGBAnext v1.3.7 [Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Advance], VICE v2.4.0.03 [Commodore 64], Virtual GameBoy v4.7.1 [Nintendo Game Boy], Wabbitemu v1.05.9 [Calculators], XM8 v1.30 [NEC PC-8801MA]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new emulators (Arculator v0.9 [Acorn Archimedes], Atari 800 v3.1.0 [Atari 8-bit], BeaNES v001 [Nintendo NES], BlastEm v0.3.1 [Sega MegaDrive/Genesis], bsnes+ v0.73.1 Beta [Nintendo SNES], ES40 Emulator [Mainframe], Fake86 v0.13.9.16 [PC (X86/X86–64)], FCE Ultra v0.98.12 [Nintendo NES], GameGuha v0.36 [Nintendo Game Boy], Javatari v4.1 [Atari 2600], JGBE v752-b1 [Nintendo Game Boy], JME Boy v1.5.3 [Nintendo Game Boy], JME C64 v1.13 [Commodore 64], Jondra v2013.05.21 [Ondra SPO 186], JSnes v0.03.2 [Nintendo SNES], JSwingBoy v1.2.14 [Commodore 64], JSwingC64 v1.10.4 [Commodore 64], NeoPop-SDL v0.2 [Neo Geo Pocket], Nucleus v0.0.4 [Sony PlayStation 3], OSXII v0.9 [Apple II/II+/IIE], Pacifi3D v0.3 [Pacman System], Parallels Desktop 10 [Windows], QEMU v1.0.1 [PC (X86/X86–64)], SDLHazeMD v0.14 [Sega Game Gear/Master System/Mega Drive], Tempest 2000 v0.05 [Atari Jaguar], uBee512 v5.6.0 [Microbee], V9t9 v2015.07.21 [TI-99/4A], WolfMess v0.160 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], XM7 v3.3L31a [Fujitsu FM-7/FM-8]) and new versions of existing ones (Emma 02 v1.21 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Jace v2.0b [Apple II/II+/IIE, Joyce v2.2.7 [Amstrad PCW], JPCSP v0.7 rev 3779 [Sony PSP], MacFCEU v0.9d2 [Nintendo NES], MAME/MESS v0.165 [Arcade (MAME)], Mark 5 Emulator v1.27 [Hitachi Basic Master Level 3 Mark 5], mGBA v0.3.0 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], PCSX-Reloaded v1.9.94 Alpha [Sony PlayStation], Play! v2015.08.23 [Sony PlayStation 2], VirtualBox v5.0.2 [Virtual Machines], VirtualC64 1.0 RC2 [Commodore 64]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (Akiko v1.6 [Commodore Amiga CD32/CDTV], Apollo v0.10b1.5 [Nintendo 64], Arnimedes v1.0.1 [Amstrad CPC], BeaNES v001 [Nintendo NES], BlastEm v0.3.1 [Sega MegaDrive/Genesis], BRMSX v3.0.16 [MSX], CABMESS v0.146 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], CoPaCabana v0.74 [Amstrad CPC], CSPSPEMU r555 [Sony PSP], Daedalus v0.07b [Nintendo 64], DaedalusX64 v1.1 [Nintendo 64], EmilNES v0.3.1 [Nintendo NES], ES40 Emulator v0.18 [Mainframe], FunzyTo7 v2.0 [Thomson TO7], Hercules v3.11 [Mainframe], Hyper64 v1.00.2008.08.08 [Commodore 64], JGBE v752-b1 [Nintendo Game Boy], JME C64 v1.13 [Commodore 64], JSwingC64 v1.10.4 [Commodore 64], jzIntv 2015.02.13-dev [Mattel Intellivision], Marcel O Cinq v2.1 [Thomson MO5], Meisei v1.3.2 [MSX], Nemu64 v0.8 [Nintendo 64], Nestopia v1.40 [Nintendo NES], Olafnes v0.2.1 [Nintendo NES], Olafnes Rebuild v0.04 [Nintendo NES], OpenC64 v0.9.4 [Commodore 64], ParaMSX v0.46 [MSX], QL2K v0.1 build 096a [Sinclair QL], Snes9x GIT v2015.08.20 [Nintendo SNES], QLAY2 v1 build 095 [Sinclair QL], TI-99/Sim v0.0.11 [TI-99/4A], V9t9 v2015.07.21 [TI-99/4A], VB64 v2.7 [Commodore 64], VirtualCPC v1.06 [Amstrad CPC], WinCPC v0.9.26–4102 [Amstrad CPC]) and new versions of existing ones (AntiMicro v2.18.2 [Joystick/Gamepad], BGB v1.5.2 [Nintendo Game Boy], CANAME v0.62.165 [Arcade (MAME)], CEN64 v2015.08.19 [Nintendo 64], Citra Git 2015.08.28 [Nintendo 3DS], DeSmuME SVN r5253 [Nintendo DS], Dolphin Git 4.0–7490 [Nintendo GameCube/Wii], Dolphin v5.0 RC 19 [Nintendo GameCube/Wii], DSP-Emulator v0.15b3 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Emma 02 v1.21 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Final Burn Alpha Shuffle v2.4.0–20150827 [Arcade (MISC)], DOSBox SVN r3932 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], FS-UAE v2.5.39dev [Commodore Amiga], HBMAME/HBMAME UI v0.165 [Arcade (MAME)], Higan v094r41 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], hpsx64 v017 [Sony PlayStation], Ishiiruka-Dolphin Custom Version v2015.08.22 [Nintendo GameCube/Wii], Jace v2.0b [Apple II/II+/IIe], JoyToKey v5.7.1 [Joystick/Gamepad], JPCSP v0.7 SVN r3779 [Sony PSP], Mark 5 Emulator v1.27 [Hitachi Basic Master Level 3 Mark 5], HQMAME v2.26 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME32k v0.67.165 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME32 More! v0.84.165 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME/ARCADE v0.165 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME/MESS v0.165 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! XT v0.164-r5260 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! XT Lite v0.164-r5260 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUI v0.165 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUIFX v0.165 [Arcade (MAME)], Mednafen v0.9.38.6 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], MESS v0.165 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MESSUI v0.165 [Multi-Systems (MESS)]), MEWUI FOR MAME/MESS v1.65a [Arcade (MAME)/Multi-Systems (MESS)], mGBA v0.3.0 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], NMamex2 v0.165–20150827 [Arcade (MAME)], Nintendulator v0.975-beta20150828 [Nintendo NES], Nintendulator SVN r1317 [Nintendo NES], PC6001VX v2.1 [NEC PC-6001], PCSX2 Git 2015/08/28 [Sony PlayStation 2], Play! v2015.08.23 [Sony PlayStation 2], Project64 Git v2015.08.28 [Nintendo 64], puNES v0.96 [Nintendo NES], QEMU v2.4.0 [PC (X86/X86–64)], RacerMAME v0.151–20150814 [Arcade (MAME)], Raine v0.64.8–4 [Arcade (MISC)], RPCS3 v0.0.0.5–20150829 [Sony PlayStation 3], SDLMAME v0.165 [Arcade (MAME)], Soft64 v2015.08.24 [Nintendo 64], Stella SVN r3194 [Atari 2600], VirtualBox v5.0.2 [Virtual Machines], WinArcadia v24.2 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinDS PRO/Apps v2015.08.27 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinVICE SVN r29872 [Commodore 8-bit Machines], WolfMame v0.165 [Arcade (MAME)], x360ce v3.2.8.74 [Joystick/Gamepad], X88 v1.5.0 [NEC PC-8801/8801MA], XENIA v2015.08.29 [XBox 360], XM7 v1.1 L70/2.9 L70/2.9 L70-V2/3.4 L70 [Fujitsu FM-7/FM-8], XM8 v1.30 [NEC PC-8801/8801MA], Yabause v2015.08.28 [Sega Saturn], Yanese v0.81 [Nintendo NES]).
11 AUGUST 2015
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new emulators (Dolphin v5.0 RC 5 [Nintendo GameCube/Wii], uoYabause v0.1.11 [Sega Saturn]) and new versions of existing ones (ColEm v3.4.3 [ColecoVision], Dolphin Git 4.0–7197 [Nintendo GameCube/Wii], DraStic DS Emulator r2.4.0.1a [Nintendo DS], ePSXe v1.9.33 [Sony PlayStation], fMSX v4.2.5 [MSX], iNES v4.3.7 [Nintendo NES], Intel 8080 Emulator v1.4 [Intel 8080], MasterGear v3.4 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], Play! v2015.08.02 [Sony PlayStation 2], PockEmul v1.4.1 [Pocket Computer], Speccy v3.8.1 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], SuperLegacy16 v1.6.6 [Nintendo SNES], SuperRetro16 Lite v1.6.9 [Nintendo SNES], Uae4all2 v2.3.6.6 [Commodore Amiga], VGBAnext v1.3.6 [Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Advance], XM8 v1.20 [NEC PC-8801MA]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new emulators (DICE v0.9 [Arcade (MISC], J80 v6.6.0 [NEC PC-8001], Jace v2015.07.24 [Apple IIe], JSpeccy v0.93.1 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], u80 v1.B.49 [NEC TK-80/TK-85], WRPN 16c v6.0.7 [Calculators]) and new versions of existing ones (AdvanceMAME v1.4 [Arcade (MAME)], AdvanceMESS v1.4 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], BizHawk v1.10.0 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], DOSBox SVN Daum Build v2015.01.25 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], FS-UAE v2.6.0-beta2 [Commodore Amiga], HalfNES v0.59 [Nintendo NES], MAME/MESS v0.164 [Arcade (MAME)], Play! v2015.08.02 [Sony PlayStation 2], PockEmul v1.1.0 Beta [Pocket Computer], VirtualC64 v0.9.9.6 [Commodore 64], XEiJ v0.15.08.09 [Sharp X68000], XM6I v0.51 [Sharp X68000]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (ArcEm v1.50 [Acorn Archimedes], Dolphin v5.0 RC 5 [Nintendo GameCube/Wii], Jace v2015.07.24 [Apple IIe], JSpeccy v0.93.1 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], ScummVM v1.7.0 for xBRZ v1.4 [Graphical point-and-click adventure games]) and new versions of existing ones (AdvanceMAME v1.4 [Arcade (MAME)], AdvanceMESS v1.4 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], AntiMicro v2.17 [Joystick/GamePad], BizHawk v1.11.1 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Caname v0.62.164 [Arcade (MAME)], CEN64 v2015.07.29 [Nintendo 64], Citra v2015.08.07 [Nintendo 3DS], Classic99 v382 [TI-99/4A], Common Source Code Project v2015.08.09 [Japanese Computers & Consoles], DEmul v0.7 Alpha-20150731 [Sega Dreamcast], DeSmuME SVN r5241 [Nintendo DS], Dolphin Git 4.0–7197 [Nintendo GameCube/Wii], DOSBox SVN r3927 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], Emu48 v1.57 [Calculators], Emu71 v1.07 [Calculators], FCEUX SVN r3139 [Nintendo NES], Final Burn Alpha Shuffle v2.4.0–20150731 [Arcade (MISC)], FS-UAE v2.6.0-beta2 [Commodore Amiga], GroovyMame v0.164 SR v0.015h [Arcade (MAME)], HalfNES v0.59 [Nintendo NES], HqMAME v2.25 [Arcade (MAME)], Ishiiruka-Dolphin Custom Version v2015.08.02 [Nintendo GameCube/Wii], J80 v6.6.0 [NEC PC-8001], JPCSP v0.7 SVN r3777 [Sony PSP], MAME/ARCADE v0.164 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME/MAMEUI Plus! v0.164 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME/MESS v0.164 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME32k v0.67.164 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME32 More! v0.84.164 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! [Ash Build] v0.164 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! Plus! Kaillera v0.164 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUI v0.164 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUIFX v0.164 [Arcade (MAME)], MESS v0.164 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MESSUI v0.164.A [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MEWUI v1.64 [Arcade (MAME)], NMamex2 v0.164–20150731 [Arcade (MAME)], Pantheon v3.432 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], PCSX Reloaded SVN r97234 [Sony PlayStation], PCSX2 GIT v2015.08.10 [Sony PlayStation 2], Phoenix v2.3.4 [3DO], Play! v2015.07.26 [Sony PlayStation 2], PockEmul v1.4.1 [Pocket Computer], Project64 v2015.08.10 [Nintendo 64], Raine v0.64.6 [Arcade (MISC)], RPCS3 v0.0.0.5–20150809 [Sony PlayStation 3], RuMSX v0.80 [MSX], SDLMAME v0.164 [Arcade (MAME)], Soft64 v2015.08.08 [Nintendo 64], Speccy v3.8.1 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], SpudACE v0.322 [Jupiter Ace], Stella SVN r3193 [Atari 2600], u80 v1.B.49 [NEC TK-80/TK-85], WinArcadia v24.12 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinDS PRO v2015.08.05 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinDS PRO APPS v2015.08.05 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinVice SVN r29855 [Commodore 8-bit Machines], WolfMame v0.164 [Arcade (MAME)], WRPN 16c v6.0.7 [Calculators], Xebra v2015.07.18 [Sony PlayStation], XEiJ v0.15.08.09 [Sharp X68000], Xenia v2015.08.10 [XBox 360], XM6I v0.51 [Sharp X68000], XM7 Dash v1.2L21 v2.9L63R21 v3.4L63R21 [Fujitsu FM-7/FM-8], XM8 v1.20 [NEC PC-8801MA], Xpeccy v0.6–20150728 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Yabause Git v2015.08.10 [Sega Saturn], YAPE SDL v0.58.1 [Commodore 16/116/Plus 4], ZXMAK2 SVN r39556 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum]);
- Completed the letters H, I, J, K and L of the ‘Online Retro Games - MAME’ section.
19 JULY 2015
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new emulators (LinuxOnAndroid v2.8.1 [Linux], Dolphin Git 4.0–7024 [Nintendo GameCube/Wii], XM8 v1.10 [NEC PC-8801MA]) and new versions of existing ones (Amikit v8.5 [Commodore Amiga], ColEm v3.4.2 [ColecoVision], ePSXe v1.9.32 [Sony PlayStation], fMSX v4.2.4 [MSX], iNES v4.3.6 [Nintendo Nes], John GBA v3.03 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], John GBC v3.03 [Nintendo Game Boy], John NES v3.03 [Nintendo Snes], John SNES v3.03 [Nintendo Snes], Magic DosBox v1.0.29 [PC DOSBox)], MasterGear v3.3.3 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], Mobile Gameboy v1.17 [Nintendo GameBoy], Play! v2015.07.12 [Sony PlayStation 2], RetroArch v1.2.2 [Multi-System], VGBAnext v1.3.5 [Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Advance], Virtual GameBoy v4.7 [Nintendo Game Boy], Wabbitemu v1.05.8 [Calculators], Xpectroid v1.2.2 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new emulators (Mark 5 Emulator v1.26 [Hitachi Mark5]) and new versions of existing ones (AmiKit v8.5 [Commodore Amiga], HalfNES v0.59 beta 2 [Nintendo NES], JavaCPC Desktop v2.9m [Amstrad CPC], MacFCEU v0.8a9 [Nintendo NES], mGBA v0.2.1 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], Play! v2015.07.12 [Sony PlayStation 2], RetroArch v1.2.2 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], VirtualBox v5.0 [Virtual Machines], VMware Fusion v7.1.2 [Virtual Machines], XEiJ v0.15.07.01 [Sharp X68000], ZEsarUX v3.0 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Zxsp v0.8.0-pre27 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (Dolphin Git 4.0–7024 [Nintendo GameCube/Wii], Mark 5 Emulator v1.26 [Hitachi Mark5], PCSX2 GIT v2015.07.18 [Sony PlayStation 2], Unit3D Pinball Beta [Pinball], XM8 v1.10 [NEC PC-8801MA], Yabause Git v2015.07.12 [Sega Saturn], YAPE SDL v0.36.2 [Commodore 16/116/Plus 4], ZEsarUX v3.0 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum]) and new versions of existing ones (AmiKit v8.5 [Commodore Amiga], Bsnes-Classic v073u1–20150703 [Nintendo SNES], Bsnes-Plus v073+1–20150707 [Nintendo SNES], Colem v3.4 [ColecoVision], Citra v2015.07.12 [Nintendo 3DS], DEmul v0.7 Alpha-20150711 [Sega Dreamcast], DeSmuME SVN r5226 [Nintendo DS], DOSBox SVN r3925 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], DOSBox SVN Daum Build v2015.01.25 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], Emu42 v1.19 [Calculators], Fceux SVN r3138 [Nintendo NES], FMSX v4.2 [MSX], HalfNES v0.59 beta 2 [Nintendo NES], Hatari v1.9.0 [Atari ST], iNES v4.3 [Nintendo NES], Ishiiruka-Dolphin Custom Version v2015.07.16 [Nintendo GameCube/Wii], J80 Release 6.69 (v6.4.0) [NEC PC-8001], JavaCPC Desktop v2.9m [Amstrad CPC], Kindred v1.07 build 1 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], MAME Plus! XT v0.163 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! XT Lite v0.163 [Arcade (MAME)], MasterGear v3.3 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], Mupen64++ v0.1.3.122 [Nintendo 64], Nintendulator v0.975-beta20150630 [Nintendo NES], Pasofami v2.21 [Nintendo Game Boy/NES/SNES], PCSX Reloaded SVN r96938 [Sony PlayStation], Phoenix v2.3.3 [3DO], Play! v2015.07.12 [Sony PlayStation 2], Project64 Git v2015.07.15 [Nintendo 64], RetroArch v1.2.2 [Multi-Systems (MISC), RPCS3 v0.0.0.5–20150718 [Sony PlayStation 3], SDLMAME v0.163 [Arcade (MAME)], Soft64 v2015.07.09 [Nintendo 64], Steem SSE v3.7.2 [Atari ST], Stella SVN r3189 [Atari 2600], ThunderMAME32UI+ v0.160X-20150702 [Arcade (MAME)], u80 v1.B.45 [NEC TK-80/TK-85], VirtualBox v5.0 [Virtual Machines], Virtual GameBoy v4.7 [Nintendo Game Boy], Virtual GameBoy Advance v4.9 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], VMware Player v7.1.2 [Virtual Machines], VMware Workstation v11.1.2 [Virtual Machines], Wabbitemu v1.9.5.20 [Calculators], WinDS PRO/WinDS PRO Apps v2015.07.01 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinVICE SVN r29837 [Commodore 8-bit Machines], x360ce v3.0.7.58 [Joystick/Gamepad], XEiJ v0.15.07.01 [Sharp X68000], Xenia v2015.07.05 [XBox 360], XM6 3.20 L61 TypeG v2015.07.13 [Sharp X68000], Xpeccy v0.6–20150710 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Yanese v0.79 [Nintendo NES], ZXMAK2 v2.9.2.39319 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], ZXMAK2 SVN r39550 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], ZX Spectrum 4.net v1.0.5605 Build 18395 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum]).
30 JUNE 2015
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new versions of existing ones (ePSXe v1.9.30 [Sony PlayStation], gDosBox v0.7.5.2 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], Play! v2015.06.21 [Sony PlayStation 2], Speccy v3.7 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], VGBAnext v1.3.4 [Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Advance], Virtual GameBoy v4.6.4 [Nintendo Game Boy]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new emulators (Emma 02 v1.20 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], OpenEmu (experimental) v1.0.4 SVN 896 [Arcade (MAME)]) and new versions of existing ones (AdvanceMAME v1.3 [Arcade (MAME)], AdvanceMESS v1.3 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], Emulicious v2015.05.26 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], JPCSP v0.7 rev rdc75d19 [Sony PSP], MAME/MESS v0.163 [Arcade (MAME)], Play! v2015.06.21 [Sony PlayStation 2], XRoar v0.33.2 [Dragon 32–64]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (FS-UAE v2.5.32dev [Commodore Amiga], Lsnes rr2 beta 23 [Nintendo SNES], MAMEMESSUI v0.163 beta [Arcade (MAME)], Zsnes SVN r5311 [Nintendo SNES]) and new versions of existing ones (AdvanceMAME v1.3 [Arcade (MAME)], AdvanceMESS v1.3 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], AmiKit v8.4 [Commodore Amiga], AntiMicro v2.15 [Joystick/GamePad], BizHawk v1.10.0 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], BizHawk SVN r9459 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Bsnes Classic v73u1–20150626 [Nintendo SNES], Bsnes Plus v0.73+1–20150626 [Nintendo SNES], Caname v0.62.163 [Arcade (MAME)], CEN64 v2015.06.05 [Nintendo 64], Citra v2015.06.28 [Nintendo 3DS], Classic99 v381 [TI-99/4A], Common Source Code Project v2015.06.28 [Japanese Computers & Consoles], DeSmuME SVN r5211 [Nintendo DS], Emma 02 v1.20 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Emu28 v1.29 [Calculators], Emulicious v2015.05.26 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], FCEUltra MM v0.98.13–20150623 [Nintendo NES], Fceux SVN r3132 [Nintendo NES], Final Burn Alpha Shuffle v2.4.0–20150627 [Arcade (MISC)], GroovyMame 0.163 SR v0.015h [Arcade (MAME)], HalfNES v0.58 [Nintendo NES], Higan (beta) v094r26 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], HqMAME v2.24 [Arcade (MAME)], Ishiiruka-Dolphin Custom Version v2015.06.25 [Nintendo Gamecube/Wii], JPCSP v0.7 rev dc75d19 [Sony PSP], Kawaks v1.64 [Arcade (MISC)], MAME/ARCADE v0.163 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME/MESS v0.163 [Arcade (MAME)], Mame32K v0.67.163 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME32 More! v0.84.163 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! [Ash Build] v0.163 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! Plus! Kaillera v0.163-r258 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! XT v0.162-r5256 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! XT Lite v0.162-r5256 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUI v0.163 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUIFX v0.163 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME/MAMEUI Plus! v0.163 r5257 [Arcade (MAME)], Mednafen v0.9.38.5 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], MESS v0.163 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MESSUI v0.163 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MEWUI FOR MAME v1.63 [Arcade (MAME)], MEWUI FOR MESS v1.63 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MS-DOS Player v2015.06.25 [PC DOS (MISC)], My NES v6.2.55 [Nintendo NES], NMAMEX2 v2015.06.27 [Arcade (MAME)], Nucleus v2015.06.24 [Sony PlayStation 3], Pantheon v3.270 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], PCSX Reloaded SVN r96687 [Sony PlayStation], Play! v2015.06.21 [Sony PlayStation 2], PokeMini Emulator v0.60 [Nintendo Pokemon Mini], QEMU v2.3.0 [PC (X86/X86–64)], Raine v0.64.5 [Arcade (MISC)], RPCS3 v0.0.0.5–20150624 [Sony PlayStation 3], Soft64 v2015.06.27 [Nintendo 64], Speccy v3.7 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Stella SVN r3176 [Atari 2600], Supermodel SVN r274 [Sega Model 3], Visual Boy Advance-M SVN r1507 [Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Advance], WinUAE v3.1.0 [Commodore Amiga], WinVICE SVN r29823 [Commodore 8-bit Machines], WolfMame v0.163 [Arcade (MAME)], Xebra v2015.06.20 [Sony PlayStation], Xenia v2015.06.28 (Xbox 360), Xpeccy v0.5–20150625 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Xroar v0.33.1 [Dragon 32–64], Yanese v0.77 [Nintendo NES], ZXMAK2 SVN r39421 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum]).
18 JUNE 2015
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new emulators (A-PC GamePad v1.4 [Joystick/Gamepad], ABXY v1.2 [Nintendo SNES], aFBA v0.2.97.35 [Arcade (MISC)], aFreeBox v2.1.21 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], An2An Joystick v1.0.1 [Joystick/Gamepad], AndroLua v1.0 [Lua Language], Assembly Emulator v0.46 [Assembly Language] Asteroids v1.2 [Android RetroGames], Bluez IME v1.20 [Joystick/Gamepad], BT Controller v2.1.1 [Joystick/Gamepad], Defender of the Crown v1.0 [Android RetroGames], Digger Classic v1.6 [Android RetroGames], DosBox Professional v4.4.33 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], DroidPlex! v1.5.0 [Android RetroGames], Dust Digger v1.8.4 [Android RetroGames], Game Controller 2 Touch v1.2.8 [Joystick/Gamepad], GamePad v1.5.1 [Joystick/Gamepad], Gamepad Enabler v1.0.3 [Joystick/Gamepad], GBA Emulator (lta lnc) v3.0 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], GoBoy! v1.0 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], MOGA Universal Driver v3.1.4 [Joystick/Gamepad], NDS Emulator v1.0.0 [Nintendo DS], NEONES Emulator v2.6 [Nintendo NES], NES Emulator (ClassicGames-N) v2.8.1 [Nintendo NES], Nes Emulator Pro v2.5 [Nintendo NES], nJoy v1.3.8 [Joystick/Gamepad], Retro Emulator v5.3 [Sega MegaDrive/Genesis], Retro Racing v1.3.3 [Android RetroGames], Retro Racing - Premium v1.3.1 [Android RetroGames], River Raid v1.0.1 [Android RetroGames], Rocket Ranger v1.0 [Android RetroGames], Sixaxis Controller v0.8.3 / Sixaxis Compatibility Checker v0.4.3 [Joystick/Gamepad], Sixaxis Enabler v1.1.0 [Joystick/Gamepad], Smart GBA Emulator v1.5 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], Smart N64 emulator v4.6 [Nintendo 64], Smart NDS Emulator v49 [Nintendo DS], Stonie v1.0.61 [Android RetroGames], Tapper v2.1 [Android RetroGames], Text Fiction v2.6 [Z-Machine], The King of Chicago v1.0 [Android RetroGames], Wings! v1.1 [Android RetroGames], Xyzzy v20th [Z-Machine], Zork One v3 [Android RetroGames]) and new versions of existing ones (2600.emu v1.5.28 (Atari 2600), 8085 Emulator v2.1.0 [Intel 8085], AlmostTI v2.8 [Calculators], Amikit v8.4 [Commodore Amiga], Andro11C v2.05 / Andro12C Platinum v2.05/ Andro16C v2.05 [Calculators], Android Terminal Emulator v1.0.70 [Terminals], C64.emu v1.5.29 [Commodore 64], ColEm v3.4.1 [ColecoVision], Colleen v3.0 (Atari 8-bit), Enigma Simulator v1.13 [Macchina Enigma (simulator)], ePSXe v1.9.28 [Sony PlayStation], fMSX v4.2.3 [MSX], FPse v0.11.168 [Sony PlayStation], FX-602P scientific calculator v6.7(2) / FX-603P programable calculator v5.3(2) [Calculators (simulators)], Gameboy Color A.D. v5.5 [Nintendo Game Boy], GBA Emulator (Zenapp Inc) v3.0 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], GBA.emu v1.5.28 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], GBC.emu v1.5.28 [Nintendo Game Boy], go11c v1.1.3 / go15c v1.1.4 / go16c v1.1.3 / go27s v1.2.4 / go28s v1.2.8 / go34c v1.1.7 / go42s v1.3.10 / go48gx v1.1.19 / go49g v1.1.8 / go65c v1.0.10 / go67c v1.2.11 [Calculators], HP-45 scientific calculator v6.7(2) [Calculators], iNES v4.3.5 [Nintendo NES], John GBA v3.02 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], John GBC v3.02 [Nintendo Game Boy], John NES v3.02 [Nintendo NES], Magic DosBox v1.0.28 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], MasterGear v3.3.2 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], MD.emu v1.5.28 [Sega CD/MegaDrive/Master System/], Mobile C64 v1.7.5 [Commodore 64], Mobile Gameboy v1.16.6 [Nintendo Game Boy], Mocha TN3270 v2.1 [Terminals], Mocha TN5250 v3.0 [Terminals], MSX.emu v1.5.29 [MSX], NES.emu v1.5.28 [Nintendo NES], NEO.emu v1.5.28 [SNK Neo Geo], NGP.emu v1.5.28 [SNK Neo Geo Pocket], Nostalgia.GBC v1.12.2 [Nintendo Game Boy], Nostalgia.NES v1.12.2 [Nintendo NES], Open NDS Emulator v2.0 [Nintendo DS], PCE.emu v1.5.28 [NEC PC-Engine/Turbo Grafx 16], Phem v1.43 [Palm OS], Play! v2015.06.14 [Sony PlayStation 2], Pretendo N64 Emulator v2.0 [Nintendo 64], Pretendo NDS Emulator v2.1 [Nintendo DS], Sega Emulator v2.0 [Sega Master System/MegaDrive], Shell Terminal Emulator v1.0.2 [Terminals], Snes9x EX / Snes9x EX+ v1.5.28 [Nintendo SNES], Speak and Spell v1.18 [Grillo Parlante], Speccy v3.6 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], SuperLegacy16 v1.6.5 [Nintendo SNES], SuperRetro16 Lite v1.6.7 [Nintendo SNES], TRS-80 Emulator v0.26 [TRS-80], Unreal Speccy Portable v0.0.66.1 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], VGBAnext v1.3.3 [Nintendo Game Boy], Virtual GameBoy v4.6.3 [Nintendo Game Boy]).
06 JUNE 2015
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new versions of existing ones (Emulicious v2015.05.23 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], MAME/MESS v0.162 [Arcade (MAME)], Play! v2015.05.31 [Sony PlayStation 2]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (BSSNES Classic v0.73u1–20150601 [Nintendo SNES], nullDC SVN r150 (Sega Dreamcast), Ultimate Amiga Configurations 2016 v2.1 beta 2 [Commodore Amiga], VisualBoyAdvance-M v2.0.0 Beta 1 [Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Advance]) and new versions of existing ones (BizHawk SVN r9379 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], BSSNES Plus v0.73+1–20150601 [Nintendo SNES], Caname v0.62.162 [Arcade (MAME)], Citra v2015.06.02 [Nintendo 3DS], DCMOTO 2015.06.04 [Thomson MO5/MO6/TO7/TO8/TO9, Olivetti Prodest PC128], DeSmuME SVN r5195 [Nintendo DS], DOSBox SVN r3919 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], Emulicious v2015.05.23 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Final Burn Alpha Shuffle v2.4.0–20150527 [Arcade (MISC)], GroovyMame 0.162 SR v0.015g [Arcade (MAME)], HBMAME/HBMAME UI v0.162 [Arcade (MAME)], HqMAME v2.23 [Arcade (MAME)], Ishiiruka-Dolphin Custom Version v2015.06.01 [Nintendo GameCube/Wii], MAME/ARCADE v0.162 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME/MESS v0.162 [Arcade (MAME)/Multi-Systems (MESS)], MAME32 More! v0.84.162 [Arcade (MAME)], Mame32K v0.67.162 [Arcade (MAME)], Mame/MameUI Plus! v0.162 r5251 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! [Ash Build] v0.161 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! Plus! Kaillera v0.161-r247 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! XT v0.161-r5237 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! XT Lite v0.161-r5237 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUI v0.162 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUIFX v0.162 [Arcade (MAME)], MESSUI v0.162 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MEWUI for MAME v1.62a [Arcade (MAME)], MEWUI for MESS v1.62a [Multi-Systems (MESS)], NMAMEX2 v2015.05.27 [Arcade (MAME)], No$gba v2.8b [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], PCSX Reloaded SVN r96188 [Sony PlayStation], Play! v2015.05.31 [Sony PlayStation 2], RPCS3 v0.0.0.5–20150603 (Sony PlayStation 3), SNES9x TestBuild-20150515 [Nintendo SNES], Speccy v3.6 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Soft64 v2015.06.02 [Nintendo 64], Teo v1.8.3 [Thomson TO8], VisualBoyAdvance-M SVN r1499 [Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Advance], WinArcadia v24.1 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinDS PRO v2015.05.28 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinVICE SVN r29780 [Commodore 8-bit Machines], WolfMame v0.162 [Arcade (MAME)], Xenia v2015.06.03 [X-Box 360], Yanese v0.76 [Nintendo NES], Yape v1.0.7 [Commodore 16/116/Plus 4], ZXMAK2 SVN r39080 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum]);
- Completed the letter G of the ‘Online Retro Games - MAME’ section.
21 MAY 2015
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new versions of existing ones (ColEm v3.4 [ColecoVision], iNES v4.3.4 [Nintendo NES], MasterGear v3.3 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], Play! v2015.05.17 [Sony PlayStation 2], VGBAnext v1.3.2 [Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Advance], Virtual GameBoy v4.6.2 [Nintendo Game Boy]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new versions of existing ones (Play! v2015.05.17 [Sony PlayStation 2], VirtualBox v4.3.28 [Virtual Machines]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (AMIDuOS [Android], BSSNES+ v0.73+1–20150519 [Nintendo SNES], Ishiiruka-Dolphin Custom Version v2015.05.17 [Nintendo Gamecube/Wii], Nintendulator SVN r1315 [Nintendo NES], SNES9x TestBuild-20150511 [Nintendo SNES], Soft64 v2015.05.19 [Nintendo 64], Supermodel SVN r272 [Sega Model 3]) and new versions of existing ones (AntiMicro v2.14 [Joystick/Gamepad], BizHawk SVN r9356 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Bochs v2.6.8 [PC (X86/X86–64)], CANAME v0.62.161 [Arcade (MAME)], CEN64 v2015.05.06 [Nintendo 64], Citra v2015.05.19 [Nintendo 3DS], DeSmuME SVN r5194 [Nintendo DS], DOSBox SVN r3914 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], Fceux SVN r3112 [Nintendo NES], Final Burn Alpha Shuffle v2.4.0–20150505 [Arcade (MISC)], Hoxs64 v1.0.8.8 [Commodore 64], MAME32k v0.67.161 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME32 More! v0.84.161 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! v0.161 r5230 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUIFX v0.161.1 [Arcade (MAME)], Nintendulator v0.975-beta20150518 [Nintendo NES], Meka v0.80 Alpha-20150506 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], mGBA v0.2.1 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], NMAMEX2 v2015.05.05 [Arcade (MAME)], Nucleus v2015.05.18 [Sony PlayStation 3], Pantheon v3.074 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], PCSX Reloaded SVN r95665 [Sony PlayStation], Phoenix v2.2 [3DO], Play! v2015.05.17 [Sony PlayStation 2], RPCS3 v0.0.0.5–20150511 [Sony PlayStation 3], VisualBoyAdvance-M SVN r1444 [Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Advance], VirtualBox v4.3.28 [Virtual Machines], vJoy v2.0.5–20150512 [Joystick/Gamepad], WinVICE SVN r29749 [Commodore 8-bit Machines], Xenia v2015.05.18 [Xbox 360], ZXMAK2 SVN r38952 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum]);
- Completed the letter F of the ‘Online Retro Games - MAME’ section.
05 MAY 2015
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new versions of existing ones (ColEm Free v3.3.4 [ColecoVision], fMSX v4.2 [MSX], MAME4Droid Reloaded v1.9.4 [Arcade (MAME)], Play! v2015.04.26 [Sony PlayStation 2], Speccy v3.5 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Spectaculator v2.1.1 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], TRS-80 Emulator v0.23 [TRS-80], VGBAnext v1.3.1 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], Virtual GameBoy v4.6.1 [Nintendo Game Boy]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new emulators (XEiJ v0.15.04.22 [Sharp X68000]) and new versions of existing ones (Emulicious v2015.04.22 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], JavaCPC Desktop v2.9l [Amstrad CPC], MAME v0.161 [Arcade (MAME)], MESS v0.161 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], Mupen64Plus v2.5 [Nintendo 64], Play! v2015.04.26 [Sony PlayStation 2], Stella v4.6.1 [Atari 2600], zxsp v0.8.0-pre26 [Sinclair ZX80/81/Spectrum]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (BlueMSX v2.8.2 beta - build 34031 [MSX], CP/M Player v2014.31.12 [CP/M], Exodus v2.0.1 [Sega MegaDrive/Genesis], Vdmgr v0.0.22 [Multi-Systems (MISC)]) and new versions of existing ones (AppleWin v1.25.0.4 [Apple II/II+/IIe], BizHawk SVN r9320 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Citra v2015.05.02 [Nintendo 3DS], Common Source Code Project v2015.04.29 [Japanese Computers & Consoles], DeSmuME SVN r5180 [Nintendo DS], DeSmuME X432R v2015.04.19 [Nintendo DS], Doallator v1.24 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], DOSBox SVN r3911 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], Emulicious v2015.04.22 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], FCEUX SVN r3111 [Nintendo NES], Final Burn Alpha v0.2.97.36 [Arcade (MISC)], GroovyMAME v0.161 SR v0.015g [Arcade (MAME)], GroovyUME v0.161 SR v0.015g [Multi-Systems (UME)], Hi65 v6 [Commodore 65], hpsx64 v016 [Sony PlayStation], HBMAME v0.161 [Arcade (MAME)], HQMAME v2.22 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME v0.161 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUI v0.161 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUIFX v0.161 [Arcade (MAME)], MESS v0.161 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MESSUI v0.161 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MEWUI FOR MAME v0.161 [Arcade (MAME)], MEWUI FOR MESS v0.161 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MEWUI FOR UME v0.161 [Multi-Systems (UME)], MS-DOS Player v2015.04.24 [PC DOS (MISC)], Mupen64Plus v2.5 [Nintendo 64], Neko Project II v0.84 [NEC PC-9801], No$gba v2.8a [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], Nucleus v2015.05.02 [Sony PlayStation 3], PCSX Reloaded SVN r95424 [Sony PlayStation], Play! v2015.04.26 [Sony PlayStation 2], puNES v0.94 [Nintendo NES], RPCS3 v0.0.0.5–20150427 [Sony PlayStation 3], SDLMAME v0.161 [Arcade (MAME)], SDLMESS v0.161 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], SDLUME v0.161 [Multi-Systems (UME)], SimCoupe v1.1 Alpha [Sam Coupé], Steem SSE v3.7.1 [Atari ST], Stella v4.6.1 [Atari 2600], Stella SVN r3165 [Atari 2600], UME v0.161 [Multi-Systems (UME)], Visual Boy Advance-M SVN r1382 [Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Advance], WinArcadia v23.07 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinVICE SVN r29651 [Commodore 8-bit Machines], WolfMame v0.161 [Arcade (MAME)], x360ce SVN r1182 [Joystick/Gamepad], XEiJ v0.15.04.22 [Sharp X68000], Xenia v2015.05.02 [X-Box 360], Yanese v0.70 [Nintendo NES], zBoy v0.60 [Nintendo Game Boy], ZX Spectrum 4 .net v1.0.5585 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], ZXMAK2 SVN r38840 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum]).
20 APRIL 2015
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new emulators (Droid 99 v1.0 [TI-99/4A], PS2 Emulator Rising HD [Sony PlayStation 2], Play! v2015.04.14 [Sony PlayStation 2], WinDS PRO v1.0 [Multi-System]) and new versions of existing ones (Andro12C financial free v2.08 [Calculators], AlmostTI v2.7 [Calculators], DosBox Manager v2.1.20 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], FPse v0.11.166 [Sony PlayStation], go25c v1.0.6 [Calculators], iNES v4.3.2 [Nintendo NES], Magic DosBox v1.0.25 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], Marvin v1.7.2 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], MasterGear v3.2.5 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], ScummVM v1.7.0a [Graphical point-and-click adventure games], Speccy v3.4.2 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], SuperLegacy16 v1.6.4 [Nintendo SNES], SuperRetro16 Lite v1.6.6 [Nintendo SNES], Unreal Speccy Portable v0.0.65 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], VGBAnext v1.3 [Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Advance], Virtual GameBoy v4.6 [Nintendo Game Boy]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new emulators (Play! v2015.04.12 [Sony PlayStation 2]) and new versions of existing ones (BizHawk v1.9.4 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], DeSmuME v0.9.11 [Nintendo DS], mGBA v0.2.0 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (3Dmoo v2015.02.24 [Nintendo 3DS], CEN64 v2015.01.18 [Nintendo 64], Citra v2015.04.18 [Nintendo 3DS], DCVG5K v2015.03.30 [Philips VG 5000], JoyToKey v5.7 [Joystick/Gamepad], Nucleus v2015.04.02 [Sony PlayStation 3], RPCS3 v0.0.0.5–20150416 [Sony PlayStation 3], TronDS v1.0.0.5 [Nintendo 3DS], x360ce v2.1.2.191 [Joystick/Gamepad], x360ce SVN r1164 [Joystick/Gamepad], Xenia v2015.04.04 [X-Box 360]) and new versions of existing ones (AntiMicro v2.13 [Joystick/Gamepad], BizHawk v1.9.4 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], BizHawk SVN r9308 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], DeSmuME v0.9.11 [Nintendo DS], DeSmuME SVN r5155 [Nintendo DS], Common Source Code Project v2015.04.10 [Japanese Computers & Consoles], DOSBox SVN r3910 [PC (DOSBox)], FCEUX SVN r3106 [Nintendo NES], J80 Release 6.50 [NEC PC-8001], JavaCPC Desktop v2.9l [Amstrad CPC], MAME Plus! XT v0.160-r5227 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! XT Lite v0.160-r5227 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! Plus! Kaillera v0.160 [Arcade (MAME)], Mednafen v0.9.38.4 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Meka v0.80 Alpha-20150401 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], MEWUI FOR MAME v1.60.1 [Arcade (MAME)], MEWUI FOR MESS v1.60.1 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MEWUI FOR UME v1.60.1 [Multi-Systems (UME)], mGBA v0.2.0 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], Pantheon v3.012 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Play! v2015.04.12 [Sony PlayStation 2], Project64 v2.2.0.3 [Nintendo 64], Sugarbox v0.24 [Amstrad CPC], u80 Release 1b30 [NEC TK-80/TK-85], Universal Emulator v1.01–20150401 [Soviet Computers], Virtual GameBoy v4.6 [Nintendo Game Boy], Virtual T v1.7 [TRS-80 Model-I-III-4], Visual Boy Advance-M SVN r1350 [Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Advance], WinArcadia v23.05 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinDS PRO v2015.04.08 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinVICE SVN r29626 [Commodore 8-bit Machines], WolfMess v0.160 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], XEiJ v0.15.04.15 [Sharp X68000], XM7 Dash v1.2L20 v2.9L63R20 v3.4L63R20 [Fujitsu FM-7/FM-8], ZXMAK2 SVN r38731 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum]);
- Completed the letters D and E of the ‘Online Retro Games - MAME’ section.
31 MARCH 2015
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new versions of existing ones (ColEm Deluxe v3.3.3 [ColecoVision], DraStic DS Emulator r2.3.0.2a [Nintendo DS], fMSX v4.1.5 [MSX], FPse v0.11.164 [Sony PlayStation], Hataroid v1.605 [Atari ST], iNES v4.3.1 [Nintendo NES], John GBA v2.71 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], John GBC v2.71 [Nintendo Game Boy], John NES v2.71 [Nintendo NES], John SNES v1.11 [Nintendo SNES], Magic DosBox v1.0.24 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], MAME4Droid Reloaded v1.9.2 [Arcade (MAME)], MasterGear v3.2.4 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], Nostalgia.GBC v1.11.2 [Nintendo Game Boy], Nostalgia.NES v1.11.2 [Nintendo NES], Speccy v3.4.1 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Spectaculator v2.1 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], TRS-80 Emulator v0.22 [TRS-80], Unreal Speccy Portable v0.0.60.1 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], VGBAnext v1.2.6 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], Virtual GameBoy v4.5.5 [Nintendo Game Boy], Wabbitemu v1.05.7 [Calculators]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new versions of existing ones (BizHawk v1.9.3 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], JPCSP v0.7 [Sony PSP], JPCSP SVN r3736 [Sony PSP], MAME v0.160 [Arcade (MAME)], MESS v0.160 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], Stella v4.6 [Atari 2600], VirtualBox v4.3.26 [Virtual Machines]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (AntiMicro v2.12.1 [Joystick/Gamepad], BizHawk SVN r9276 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Cxbx-Git v2015.03.31 [Xbox], Cxbx-Shogun v2015.03.29 [Xbox], DeSmuME SVN r5151 [Nintendo DS], PCSX Reloaded SVN r94433 [Sony PlayStation], Stella SVN r3155 [Atari 2600], ZXMAK2 SVN r38613 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum]) and new versions of existing ones (Altirra v2.60 [Atari 8-bit], BizHawk v1.9.3 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Caname v0.62.160 [Arcade (MAME)], Classic99 v380 [TI-99/4A], Common Source Code Project v2015.03.28 [Japanese Computers & Consoles], DeSmuME X432R v2015.03.15 [Nintendo DS], DOSBox SVN r3909 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], FCEUX SVN r3104 [Nintendo NES], Final Burn Alpha Shuffle v2.4.0–20150327 [Arcade (MISC)], Gens Rerecording v11b [Sega MegaDrive/Genesis], Gens Rerecording SVN r352 [Sega MegaDrive/Genesis], GroovyMAME v0.160 SR v0.015g [Arcade (MAME)], GroovyUME v0.160 SR v0.015g [Multi-Systems (UME)], HBMAME v0.160 [Arcade (MAME)], HQMAME v2.21 [Arcade (MAME)], JavaCPC Desktop v2.9h [Amstrad CPC], JPCSP v0.7 [Sony PSP], JPCSP SVN r3736 [Sony PSP], MAME v0.160 [Arcade (MAME)], Mame32K v0.67.160 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME32 More! v0.84.160 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUI v0.160 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUIFX v0.160.1 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! v0.160 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! [Ash Build] v0.160 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! UI v0.160 [Arcade (MAME)], MasterGear v3.2 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], MESS v0.160 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MESSUI v0.160 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MEWUI for MAME v1.60 [Arcade (MAME)], MEWUI for MESS v1.60 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MEWUI for UME v1.60 [Multi-Systems (UME)], NMAMEX2 v2015.03.27 [Arcade (MAME)], Play! v2015.03.28 [Sony PlayStation 2], Raine v0.64.4 [Arcade (MISC], SDLMAME v0.160 [Arcade (MAME)], Speccy v3.4 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Stella v4.6 [Atari 2600], ThunderMAME32+ v0.106X-20150307 [Arcade (MAME)], VirtualBox v4.3.26 [Virtual Machines], Visual Boy Advance-M SVN r1268 [Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Advance], Visual Boy Advance-M SVN r1231 for xBRZ v1.2 [Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Advance], vJoy v2.0.5–20150323 [Joystick/Gamepad], Wabbitemu v1.9.3.25 [Calculators], WinArcadia v23.04 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinVICE SVN r29558 [Commodore 8-bit machines], WolfMame v0.160 [Arcade (MAME)]).
09 MARCH 2015
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new versions of existing ones (AlmostTI v2.6 [Calculators], ColEm Free v3.3.2 [ColecoVision], fMSX Free v4.1.4 [MSX], iNES v4.3 [Nintendo NES], John GBA v2.68 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], John GBC v2.68 [Nintendo Game Boy], John NES v2.68 [Nintendo NES], John SNES v1.08 [Nintendo SNES], MasterGear v3.2 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], PPSSPP v1.0.1 [Sony PSP], Speccy v3.4 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], SuperRetro16 v1.6.3 [Nintendo SNES], TRS-80 Emulator v0.21 [TRS-80], Uae4all2 v2.3.6.4 [Commodore Amiga], VGBAnext v1.2.3 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], Virtual GameBoy v4.5.4 [Nintendo Game Boy]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new emulators (JavaCPC Desktop v2.9 [Amstrad CPC], QDAE v0.0.10 [Apricot F1/Xi/Portable]) and new versions of existing ones (JPCSP v0.7-r3721 [Sony PSP], MAME v0.159 [Arcade (MAME)], MESS v0.159 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], VirtualBox v4.3.24 [Virtual Machine], VMware Fusion v7.1.1 [Virtual Machine]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (kArmTI v1.60 [TI-Nspire], My NES GTK v3.0 [Nintendo NES], SIMH v3.9–0 [Mainframe (simulator)], u80 Release 1b23 [NEC TK-80/TK-85], VMware Workstation v11.0 [Virtual Machine], WinVICE SVN r29367 [Commodore 8-bit machines]) and new versions of existing ones (Basilisk II v2015.02.20 [Apple Macintosh], CANAME v0.62.159 [Arcade (MAME)], Classic99 v378 [TI-99/4A], Common Source Code Project v2015.03.04 [Japanese Computers & Consoles], DeSmuME X432R v2015.02.15 [Nintendo DS], Doallator v1.23 [Chip-8], DOSBox SVN r3901 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], Final Burn Alpha v0.2.97.35 [Arcade (MISC)], Final Burn Alpha Shuffle v2.4.0–20150227 [Arcade (MISC)], GroovyMame v0.159 SR v0.015f [Arcade (MAME)], GroovyUME v0.159 SR v0.015f [Multi-Systems (UME)], HDNes v2014.24.02 [Nintendo NES], HQMAME v2.20 [Arcade (MAME)], J80 Release 6.41 - v6.3.17 [NEC PC-8001], JavaCPC Desktop v2.9 [Amstrad CPC], JPCSP v0.7-r3721 [Sony PSP], MADrigal CD Collection v59.11 [Schiacciapensieri], MAME32k v0.67.159 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME32 More! v0.84.159 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME v0.159 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUI v0.159 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUIFX v0.159 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! [Ash Build] v0.159 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! v0.159 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! Plus! Kaillera v0.159 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! UI v0.159 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! XT v0.159 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! XT Lite v0.159 [Arcade (MAME)], Mednafen v0.9.38.3 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], MESS v0.159 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MESSUI v0.159 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MEWUI for MAME v1.59 [Multi-Systems (MAME)], MEWUI for MESS v1.59 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MEWUI for UME v1.59 [Multi-Systems (UME)], Pasofami v2.20 [Nintendo Game Boy/NES/SNES], Play! v2015.03.04 [Sony PlayStation], Project64 v2.2.0.1 [Nintendo 64], Project64K v3.7.15 [Nintendo 64], PPSSPP v1.0.1 [Sony PSP], puNES v0.92 [Nintendo NES], SDLMAME v0.159 [Arcade (MAME)], SDLMESS v0.159 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], SDLUME v0.159 [Multi-Systems (UME)], SheepShaver v2015.03.01 [Apple Macintosh], Steem SSE v3.7.0 [Atari ST], uBee512 v5.6.0 [Microbee], UME v0.159 [Multi-Systems (UME)], VirtualBox v4.3.24 [Virtual Machine], VMware Player v7.1.0 [Virtual Machine], WinDS PRO v2015.03.01 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WolfMame v0.159 [Arcade (MAME)], WolfMess v0.158 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], XEBRA v2015.02.15 [Sony PlayStation]);
- Completed the letter C of the ‘Online Retro Games - MAME’ section.
15 FEBRUARY 2015
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new emulators (ARAnyM v1.0.2 [Atari ST]) and new versions of existing ones (ColEm v3.3.1 [ColecoVision], DosBox Turbo v2.1.20 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], fMSX Deluxe v4.1.3 [MSX], iNES v4.2.8 [Nintendo NES], Intel 8080 Emulator v1.3 [Intel 8080], FPse v0.11.162 [Sony PlayStation], John GBA v2.67 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], John GBC v2.67 [Nintendo Game Boy], John NES v2.67 [Nintendo NES], John SNES v1.07 [Nintendo SNES], Magic DosBox v1.0.22 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], Mobile Gameboy v1.16.4 [Nintendo Game Boy], PPSSPP v1.0 [Sony PSP], PPSSPP Gold v1.0 [Sony PSP], Speccy v3.3.4 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], VGBAnext v1.2.2 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], Virtual GameBoy v4.5.3 [Nintendo Game Boy]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new versions of existing ones (ARAnyM v1.0.2 [Atari ST], Emulicious v2015.02.10 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], JPCSP v0.7-r3703 [Sony PSP], Mednafen v0.9.38.1 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Oricutron v1.2 [Oric 1-Atmos], PPSSPP v1.0 [Sony PSP], VirtualBox v4.3.22 [Virtual Machine], VirtualC64 v0.9.9.3 [Commodore 64]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new versions of existing ones (ARAnyM v1.0.2 [Atari ST], Classic99 v377 [TI-99/4A], Common Source Code Project v2015.02.13 [Japanese Computers & Consoles], DeSmuME X432R v2015.02.08 [Nintendo DS], DOSBox SVN r3900 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], Emulicious v2015.02.10 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Genieous v1.0.3 [Colour Genie], GroovyMame v0.158 SR v0.015f [Arcade (MAME)], GroovyUme v0.158 SR v0.015f [Multi-Systems (UME)], Homelab v1.2 [Homelab Model III-IV], HT1080Z v1.6.5 [VideoGenie/System-80 and TRS-80 Model-I-III-4], JPCSP v0.7-r3703 [Sony PSP], MAME Plus! [Ash Build] v0.158b [Arcade (MAME)], Mednafen v0.9.38.1 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], No$gba v2.8 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], Play! v2015.02.12 [Sony PlayStation 2], PPSSPP v1.0 [Sony PSP], PPSSPP Gold v1.0 [Sony PSP], Spud v0.240 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Ultimo v1.5.2 [Microkey Primo], VirtualBox v4.3.22 [Virtual Machine], WinArcadia v23.02 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinDS PRO v2015.02.10 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Xpeccy v0.5–20150209 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Yanese v0.64 [Nintendo NES], ZXMAK2 v2.9.1.38194 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum]).
01 FEBRUARY 2015
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new versions of existing ones (2600.emu v1.5.26 [Atari 2600], Amikit v8.2 [Commodore Amiga], C64.emu v1.5.26 [Commodore 64], ePSXe v1.9.26 [Sony PlayStation], Fba4droid v1.73 [Arcade (MISC)], fMSX v4.1.2 [MSX], GBA.emu v1.5.26 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], GBC.emu v1.5.26 [Nintendo Game Boy], iNES v4.2.7 [Nintendo NES], John GBA v2.65 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], John GBC v2.65 [Nintendo Game Boy], John NES v2.66 [Nintendo NES], John SNES v1.05 [Nintendo SNES], Magic DosBox v1.0.21 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], MAME4Droid Reloaded v1.8 [Arcade (MAME)], MasterGear v3.1.9 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], MD.emu v1.5.26 (Sega Master System/Mega Drive), MSX.emu v1.5.26 [MSX], My Boy! v1.6.2 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], NEO.emu v1.5.26 [SNK Neo Geo], NES.emu v1.5.26 [Nintendo NES], NGP.emu v1.5.26 [SNK Neo Geo Pocket], PCE.emu v1.5.26 [NEC PC-Engine/Turbo Grafx 16], Snes9x EX v1.5.26 [Nintendo SNES], Snes9x EX+ v1.5.26 [Nintendo SNES], TRS-80 Emulator v0.18 [TRS-80], Uae4all2 v2.3.6.2 [Commodore Amiga], Virtual GameBoy v4.5.2 [Nintendo Game Boy], VGBAnext v1.1 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new versions of existing ones (AmiKit v8.2 [Commodore Amiga], Emulicious v2015.01.30 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], JPCSP v0.7-r3696 [Sony PSP], MAME v0.158 [Arcade (MAME)], MESS v0.158 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], mGBA v0.1.1 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], ResidualVM v0.2.1 [Graphical Point-Aand-Click Adventure Games], Virtual ][ v7.5.2 [Apple II/II+/IIe], VirtualC64 v0.9.9.2 [Commodore 64], XM6I v0.50 [Sharp X68000], ZEsarUX v2.0 [Sinclair ZX80/81/Spectrum]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (DOSBox v0.74 for xBRZ v1.2 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], SDLMESS v0.158 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], SDLUME v0.158 [Multi-Systems (UME)], SNES9x v1.53 for xBRZ v1.2 [Nintendo SNES], Zero (Vanilla) v0.7.1 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum]) and new versions of existing ones (AmiKit v8.2 [Commodore Amiga], CANAME v0.62.158 [Arcade (MAME)], Common Source Code Project v2015.02.01 [Japanese Computers & Consoles], CreatiVision Emulator v2015.01.20 [VTech Creativision], DeSmuME X432R v2015.01.18 [Nintendo DS], DOSBox SVN r3896 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], Emulicious v2015.01.30 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], ePSXe v1.9.25 [Sony PlayStation], Final Burn Alpha Shuffle v2.4.0–20150129 [Arcade (MISC)], HQMAME v2.19 [Arcade (MAME)], JPCSP v0.7-r3696 [Sony PSP], MADrigal CD Collection v59.10 [Handhelds], MAME v0.158 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME32k v0.67.158 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME32 More! v0.84.158 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! v0.158 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! [Ash Build] v0.158 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! Plus! Kaillera v0.158 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! UI v0.158 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUI v0.158 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUIFX v0.158 [(Arcade (MAME)], MEWUI FOR MAME v1.58 [Arcade (MAME)], MEWUI FOR MESS v1.58 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MEWUI FOR UME v1.58 [Multi-Systems (UME)], MS-DOS Player v2015.01.28 [PC DOS (MISC)], MESS v0.158 [Arcade (MAME)], MESSUI v0.158 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], mGBA v0.1.1 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], NMAMEX2 v2015.01.29 [Arcade (MAME)], Pantheon v2.720 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], PC6001VX v2.01 [NEC PC-6001], Play! v2015.01.31 [Sony PlayStation 2], QEMU v2.2.0 [PC (X86/X86–64)], ResidualVM v0.2.1 [Graphical point-and-click adventure games], SDLMAME v0.158 [Arcade (MAME)], UME v0.158 [Multi-Systems (UME)], Virtual GameBoy Advance v4.8 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], WinArcadia v23.0 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinDS PRO v2015.01.27 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WolfMame v0.158 [Arcade (MAME)], XM6I v0.50 [Sharp X68000], WolfMess v0.157 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], XEiJ v0.15.01.29 [Sharp X68000], Xpeccy v0.5–20150128 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Yanese v0.63 [Nintendo NES], Zero (Retro) v0.6.6 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], ZXMAK2 v2.9.0.38062 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum]).
12 JANUARY 2015
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new versions of existing ones (AlmostTI v2.5 [Calculators], Beebdroid v1.4 [Acorn BBC-Micro], ColEm v3.3 [ColecoVision], FPse v0.11.161 [Sony PlayStation], go48g v1.0.5 [Calculators], go48s v1.2.5 [Calculators], Hataroid v1.561 [Atari ST], iNES v4.2.6 [Nintendo NES], MasterGear v3.1.7 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], Mini vMac v1.2.2 [Apple Macintosh], Mini vMac II v2.1.2 [Apple Macintosh], Nostalgia.GBC v1.11.1 [Nintendo Game Boy], Nostalgia.NES v1.11.1 [Nintendo NES], PCE.emu v1.5.25 [NEC PC-Engine/Turbo Grafx 16], Speccy v3.3.3 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], SToid v1.8 [Atari ST], SuperRetro16 v1.6.0 [Nintendo SNES], Virtual GameBoy v4.5.1 [Nintendo Game Boy], Virtual GameBoy Advance v4.8.2 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new versions of existing ones (DOSBox SVN Daum Build v2015.01.03 [PC (X86/X86–64)], MAME v0.157 [Arcade (MAME)], MESS v0.157 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], Mednafen v0.9.37.1 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], ResidualVM v0.2.0 [Graphical Point-and-click Adventure Games], Stella v4.5 [Atari 2600], VirtualC64 v0.9.8.1 [Commodore 64]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (AdViEmulator v1.0 [AdventureVision], Doallator v1.22 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], DOSBox SVN r3890 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], PC6001VW v3.09 [NEC PC-6001], Project Mercury v0.03 [Nintendo NES], UNZ v0.5 L30 [Fujitsu FM-Towns], Virtual GameBoy v4.5 [Nintendo Game Boy], vJoy v2.1.5 [Joystick/Gamepad]) and new versions of existing ones (CANAME v0.62.157 [Arcade (MAME)], Colem v3.3 [ColecoVision], Common Source Code Project v2015.01.11 [Japanese Computers & Consoles], CreatiVision Emulator v2015.01.12 [VTech CreatiVision], DOSBox SVN Daum Build v2015.01.03 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], FCE Ultra MM v0.98.13–20150110 [Nintendo NES], Final Burn Alpha Shuffle v2.4.0–20150108 [Arcade (MISC)], GROOVYMAME v0.157 SR v0.015e [Arcade (MAME)], GROOVYUME v0.157 SR v0.015e [Multi-Systems (UME)], HDNes v2014.12.26 [Nintendo NES], HQMAME v2.18 [Arcade (MAME)], JavaCPC Desktop v2.5 [Amstrad CPC], MAME v0.157 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME32 More! v0.84.157 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME32k v0.67.157 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! v0.157 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! [Ash Build] v0.157a [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! UI v0.157 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! XT v0.157 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! XT Lite v0.157 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUI v0.157 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUIFX v0.157 [Arcade (MAME)], MESS v0.157 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MESSUI v0.157 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MEWUI FOR MAME v1.57 [Arcade (MAME)], MEWUI FOR MESS v1.57 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MEWUI FOR UME v1.57 [Multi-Systems (UME)], MS-DOS Player v2015.01.08 [PC DOS (MISC)], NMAMEX2 v2015.01.01 [Arcade (MAME)], Pantheon v2.646 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Phoenix v2.1 [3DO], Play! v2015.01.11 [Sony PlayStation 2], Raine v0.64.2 [Arcade (MISC)], ResidualVM v0.2.0 [Graphical Point-and-click Adventure Games], SDLMAME v0.157 [Arcade (MAME)], SPC/AT Emulator v0.97 Plus [PC (X86/X86–64)], Stella v4.5 [Atari 2600], UME v0.157 [Multi-Systems (UME)], Visual Boy Advance-M r1231 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], WinDS PRO v2015.00.00 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WolfMame v0.157 [Arcade (MAME)], WolfMess v0.156 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], XEiJ v0.14.12.26 [Sharp X68000], XM7 v1.1 L63/2.9 L63/2.9 L63-V2/3.4 L63 [Fujitsu FM-7/FM-8], XM7 Dash v1.2 L18/2.9 L52a/3.4 L52a [Fujitsu FM-7/FM-8], Xpeccy v0.5–20150104 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Yanese v0.60 [Nintendo NES], ZXMAK2 v2.8.1.37646 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum]).