Welcome to EmuWiki, a site dedicated to emulators (and not only). To learn more, read the introduction or see this video and for any questions, comments or more, please go to the ‘Contact page’. If you want, you can also do some research on the site (for emulators you can also use the search box at the top left corner, copying and pasting only the name without the version) or visit our group on Facebook (it’s in Italian but you can also write in English). Remember also that the site is optimized for Firefox and Chrome.
2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 |
23 DECEMBER 2014
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new versions of existing ones (2600.emu v1.5.23 [Atari 2600], Amikit v1.8.1 [Commodore Amiga], Andro12C financial v2.07 [Calculators], C64.emu v1.5.23 [Commodore 64], ClassicBoy v2.0.3 [Multi-System], GBA.emu v1.5.23 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], GBC.emu v1.5.23 [Nintendo Game Boy], iNES v4.2.5 [Nintendo NES], Jnes v1.4.13.62 [Nintendo NES], MasterGear v3.1.6 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], MD.emu v1.5.24 [Sega Master System/Mega Drive], Mobile C64 v1.7.4 [Commodore 64], Mobile Gameboy v1.16.2 [Nintendo Game Boy], MSX.emu v1.5.23 [MSX], nds4droid v46 [Nintendo DS], NGP.emu v1.5.23 [SNK Neo Geo Pocket], NEO.emu v1.5.23 [SNK Neo Geo], NES.emu v1.5.23 [Nintendo NES], PCE.emu v1.5.23 [NEC PC-Engine/Turbo Grafx 16], Snes9x EX v1.5.20 [Nintendo SNES], Snes9x EX+ v1.5.23 [Nintendo SNES], TRS-80 Emulator v0.17 [TRS-80], Virtual GameBoy v4.5 [Nintendo Game Boy], Virtual GameBoy Advance v4.8 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], Wabbitemu v1.05.4 [Calculators]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with with new emulators (mGBA v0.1.0 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance]) and new versions of existing ones (AmiKit v1.8.1 [Commodore Amiga], JPCSP v0.7-r3679 [Sony PSP]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Online’ section with new emulators (JSep Online [Enterprise 128], TAWS [Commodore Amiga]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (FCE Ultra MM v0.98.13 [Nintendo NES], mGBA v0.1.0 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance]) and new versions of existing ones (AmiKit v1.8.1 [Commodore Amiga], C64 Lover v0.2.3 [Commodore 64], Common Source Code Project v2014.12.23 [Japanese Computers & Consoles], DeSmuME X432R v2014.12.14 [Nintendo DS], Emma 02 v1.19 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Emulicious v2014.12.07 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Final Burn Alpha Shuffle v2.4.0–20141210 [Arcade (MISC)], JPCSP v0.7-r3679 [Sony PSP], MAME Plus! XT v0.156 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! XT Lite v0.156 [Arcade (MAME)], Mednafen v0.9.37.1 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], MS-DOS Player v2014.12.06 [PC DOS (MISC)], PC6001V v1.23 [NEC PC-6001], Phoenix v1.9 [3DO], Play! v2014.12.21 [Sony PlayStation 2], QEMU v2.1.2 [PC (X86/X86–64)], VMware Player v7.0.0 [Virtual Machine], WinDS PRO v2014.12.06 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinTVC v1.0.7 [Videoton TVC], WinUAE v3.0.0 [Commodore Amiga], Xpeccy v0.5–20141213 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum]).
08 DECEMBER 2014
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new versions of existing ones (2600.emu v1.5.22 [Atari 2600], C64.emu v1.5.22 [Commodore 64], ColEm v3.2.3 [ColecoVision], DosBox Turbo v2.1.19 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], fMSX v4.1.1 [MSX], FPse v0.11.159 [Sony PlayStation], Frodo C64 v0.96.3 [Commodore 64], GBA.emu v1.5.22 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], GBC.emu v1.5.22 [Nintendo Game Boy], MasterGear v3.1.5 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], Magic DosBox v1.0.19 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], MD.emu v1.5.22 [Sega Master System/Mega Drive/Genesis], Mobile Gameboy v1.16.1 [Nintendo Game Boy], MSX.emu v1.5.22 [ColecoVision/MSX], NEO.emu v1.5.22 [SNK Neo Geo], NES.emu v1.5.22 [Nintendo NES], NGP.emu v1.5.22 [SNK Neo Geo Pocket], Nostalgia.GBC v1.10.1 [Nintendo Game Boy], Nostalgia.NES v1.10.1 [Nintendo NES], PCE.emu v1.5.22 [PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16], Snes9x EX+ v1.5.22 [Nintendo SNES], Speccy v3.3.2 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], SuperRetro16 v1.5.7 [Nintendo SNES], Virtual GameBoy v4.4.4 [Nintendo Game Boy], Virtual GameBoy Advance v4.7.4 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with with new emulators (CrossOver v14.0.3 [Windows]) and new versions of existing ones (BizHawk v1.9.1 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], JPCSP v0.7-r3677 [Sony PSP], MAME v0.156 [Arcade (MAME)], MESS v0.156 [Multi-Systems (MESS)]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new versions of existing ones (BizHawk v1.9.1 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], CANAME v0.62.156 [Arcade (MAME)], Common Source Code Project v2014.11.28 [Japanese Computers & Consoles], Final Burn Alpha v0.2.97.34 [Arcade (MISC)], Final Burn Alpha Shuffle v2.4.0–20141206 [Arcade (MISC)], GROOVYMAME v0.156 SR v0.015d [Arcade (MAME)], GROOVYUME v0.156 SR v0.015d [Multi-Systems (UME)], HQMAME v2.17_0.156 [Arcade (MAME)], JPCSP v0.7-r3677 [Sony PSP], MAME v0.156 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME32k v0.67.156 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME32 More! v0.84.156 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! v0.156 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! [Ash Build] v0.156 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! UI v0.156 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! Plus! Kaillera v0.156 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUIFX v0.156 [Arcade (MAME)], Meka v0.80 Alpha [Multi-Systems (MISC)], MESS v0.156 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MESSUI v0.156 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MEWUI FOR MAME v1.56 [Arcade (MAME)], MEWUI FOR MESS v1.56 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MEWUI FOR UME v1.56 [Multi-Systems (UME)], MS-DOS Player v2014.11.30 [PC DOS (MISC)], NMAMEX2 v2014.11.29 [Arcade (MAME)], Pantheon v2.574 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Play! v2014.12.07 [Sony PlayStation 2], Raine v0.63.16 [Arcade (MISC)], SDLMAME v0.156 [Arcade (MAME)], UME v0.156 [Multi-Systems (UME)], Virtual GameBoy Advance v4.7 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], WinArcadia v22.73 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WolfMame v0.156 [Arcade (MAME)], XEiJ v0.14.11.23 [Sharp X68000], XM6 3.13 L40 TypeG v2014.11.24 [Sharp X68000], Xpeccy v0.5–20141205 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum]);
- Completed the letter B of the ‘Online Retro Games - MAME’ section.
23 NOVEMBER 2014
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new emulators (openMSX v0.11.0 [MSX]) and new versions of existing ones (aGBC v5.3.4 [Nintendo Game Boy], aGenesis v5.3.4 [Sega MegaDrive/Genesis], Andro12C Financial v2.06 [Calculators], aNES v5.3.4 [Nintendo NES], ClassicBoy v2.0.1 [Multi-System], Dolphin Emulator Alpha v0.14 [Nintendo GameCube/Wii], ePSXe v1.9.24 [Sony PlayStation], fMSX v4.1 [MSX], Free42 v1.5.5 [Calculators], FPse v0.11.157 [Sony PlayStation], Gameboy Color A.D. v5.4 [Nintendo Game Boy], iNES v4.2.3 [Nintendo NES], Jnes v1.4.12.61 [Nintendo NES], John NES v2.62 [Nintendo NES], John SNES v1.03 [Nintendo SNES], Magic DosBox v1.0.16 [PC DOS (DOSBOX)], MasterGear v3.1.4 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], Mobile C64 v1.7 [Commodore 64], Mobile Gameboy v1.16 [Nintendo Game Boy], Nostalgia.GBC v1.09.2 [Nintendo Game Boy], Nostalgia.NES v1.09.2 [Nintendo NES], SuperGNES v1.5.5 [Nintendo SNES], Virtual GameBoy v4.4.3 [Nintendo Game Boy], Virtual GameBoy Advance v4.7.3 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with with new versions of existing ones (DSP-Emulator v0.15b2 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Free42 v1.5.5 [Calculators], JPCSP v0.7-r3676 [Sony PSP], Mednafen v0.9.36.5 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], openMSX v0.11.0 [MSX], VirtualBox v4.3.20 [Virtual Machines], VMware Fusion v7.01 [Virtual Machines], Yabause v0.9.14 [Sega Saturn], ZEsarUX v1.3 [Sinclair ZX80/81/Spectrum]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Online’ section with new emulators (Internet Arcade Archive [Arcade (MAME)], Commodore 64 - Retroplay.Co [Commodore 64]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (iNES v4.2 [Nintendo NES], J80 Release 6.20 (v6.2.7) [NEC PC-8001], SDLVICE v2.4 [Commodore 64]) and new versions of existing ones (BGB v1.5.1 [Nintendo Game Boy], BizHawk v1.9.0 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], BK-001X Emulator v0.97 Plus [Soviet Computers], Bochs v2.6.7 [PC (X86/X86–64)], C64 Lover v0.2.2 [Commodore 64], Common Source Code Project v2014.11.22 [Japanese Computers & Consoles], DSP-Emulator v0.15b2 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], FCE Ultra v0.98.13 [Nintendo NES], Free42 v1.5.5 [Calculators], GroovyMAME v0.155 SR v0.015c [Arcade (MAME)], GroovyUME v0.155 SR v0.015c [Multi-Systems (UME)], HDNes v2014.11.18 [Nintendo NES], JPCSP v0.7-r3676 [Sony PSP], Korvet Emulator v0.97 Plus [Soviet Computers], Mednafen v0.9.36.5 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], MS-DOS Player v2014.11.19 [PC DOS (MISC)], Mupen64++ v0.1.3.12 Beta [Nintendo 64], No$gba v2.7d [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], openMSX v0.11.0 [MSX], Oricutron v1.2 [Oric 1/Atmos], Play! v2014.11.23 [Sony PlayStation 2], Raine v0.63.16 [Arcade (MISC)], Speccy v3.3 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Sugarbox v0.23 [Amstrad CPC], UnrealSpeccy v0.38.2 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], VirtualBox v4.3.20 [Virtual Machines], Visual Pinball v9.9.1 [Pinball], VMware Player v6.0.4 [Virtual Machines], WinArcadia v22.72 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinDS PRO v2014.11.07 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], XEiJ v0.14.11.11 [Sharp X68000], XM6 3.13 L21 TypeG v2014.11.19 [Sharp X68000], Xpeccy v0.5–20141121 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Yabause v0.9.14 [Sega Saturn]).
02 NOVEMBER 2014
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new versions of existing ones (ColEm v3.2.2 [ColecoVision], FPse v0.11.150 [Sony PlayStation], iNES v4.2.1 [Nintendo NES], John GBA v2.62 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], John GBC v2.62 [Nintendo Game Boy], Magic DosBox v1.0.15 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], MasterGear v3.1.2 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], Speccy v3.3.1 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Uae4all2 v2.3.6.0 [Commodore Amiga], Virtual GameBoy v4.4.1 [Nintendo Game Boy], Virtual GameBoy Advance v4.7 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with with new versions of existing ones (DSP-Emulator v0.15b1 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], JPCSP v0.7-r3671 [Sony PSP], MAME v0.155 [Multi-Systems (MAME)], MESS v0.155 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], OpenEmu v1.0.4 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], OpenEmu (experimental) v1.0.4 [Arcade (MAME)], Stella v4.2 [Atari 2600)]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (C64 Lover v0.2.0 [Commodore 64], JavaCPC Desktop v2.4b [Amstrad CPC], PC6001VX v2.0 RC1 [NEC PC-6001]) and new versions of existing ones (BGB v1.5 [Nintendo Game Boy], CANAME v0.62.155 [Arcade (MAME)], Common Source Code Project v2014.10.29 [Japanese Computers & Consoles], DSP-Emulator v0.15b1 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Final Burn Alpha v0.2.97.33 [Arcade (MISC)], Final Burn Alpha Shuffle v2.4.0–20141027 [Arcade (MISC)], HBMAME v0.155-r32769 [Arcade (MAME)], HP15c v1.0.33 [Calculators], HQMAME v2.16_0.155 [Arcade (MAME)], JPCSP v0.7-r3671 [Sony PSP], MAME v0.155 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME32k v0.67.155 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME32 More! v0.84.155 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! v0.155 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! [Ash Build] v0.155 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! Plus! Kaillera v0.155 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! XT v0.155 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! XT LITE v0.155 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! UI v0.155 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUI v0.155 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUIFX v0.155 [Arcade (MAME)], MESS v0.155 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MESSUI v0.155 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MEWUI for MAME v1.55a [Arcade (MAME)], MEWUI for MESS v1.55a [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MEWUI for UME v1.55a [Multi-Systems (UME)], My Nes v6.1.2 [Nintendo NES], NMAMEX2 v2014.10.19 [Arcade (MAME)], Pantheon v2.470 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Play! v2014.10.19 [Sony PlayStation 2], RPCEmu v0.8.12 [Acorn Risc PC/A7000], Stella v4.2 [Atari 2600], UME v0.155 [Multi-Systems (UME)], Universal Emulator v1.01–20141018 [Soviet Computers], Virtual GameBoy Advance v4.6 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], WolfMame v0.155 [Arcade (MAME)], WolfMess v0.155 [Multi_System (MESS)], XEiJ v0.14.10.21 [Sharp X68000], XM6 3.13 L50 TypeG v2014.10.24 [Sharp X68000], Xpeccy v0.5–20141024 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], YAPE v1.0.6 [Commodore 16/116/Plus 4]).
15 OCTOBER 2014
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new emulators (Atari Asteroids Arcade Game v1.2 [Android RetroGames], Crazy Taxi v1.20 [Android RetroGames], CyaSNES v1.0.5 [Nintendo SNES], Fast Food Tapper v1.0.4 [Android RetroGames], Final Fantasy III v1.1.0 [Android RetroGames], Final Fantasy IV v1.3.1 [Android RetroGames], Gurk II v1.12 [Android RetroGames], Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded v1.4 [Android RetroGames], Ping Pong Free v1.2 [Android RetroGames], Snake ‘97 v3.0 [Android RetroGames], Sonic CD v1.0.6 [Android RetroGames], Sonic The Hedgehog v2.0.4 [Android RetroGames], Space Bubble Shooter v2.21 [Android RetroGames], Star Fighter v1.0.8 [Android RetroGames], Tetris Blitz v1.8.0 [Android RetroGames], Worms 2: Armageddon v1.4.0 [Android RetroGames], Worms 3 v1.82 [Android RetroGames]) and new versions of existing ones (aGBA v5.2.4 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], aGBC v5.2.4 [Nintendo Game Boy], aGenesis v5.2.4 [Sega Mega Drive/Genesis], aNES v5.2.4 [Nintendo NES], Droid-CPC v1.01.3 [Amstrad CPC], fMSX v3.9.6 [MSX], FPse v0.11.148 [Sony PlayStation], iNES v4.2 [Nintendo NES], Jnes v1.4.11.59 [Nintendo NES], John SNES v1.02 [Nintendo SNES], MasterGear v3.1.0.0 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], MegaN64 v5.0 [Nintendo 64], Mobile C64 v1.6.27 [Commodore 64], Mobile Gameboy v1.15.3 [Nintendo Game Boy], NES-FC v1.1.1 [Nintendo NES], Virtual GameBoy v4.4 [Nintendo Game Boy], Virtual GameBoy Advance v4.6.1 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new versions of existing ones (BizHawk v1.8.4 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], CocoaMSX v1.42 [MSX], Gambatte r571 [Nintendo Game Boy], JPCSP v0.7-r3654 [Sony PSP], VirtualBox v4.3.18 [Virtual Machine]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (ADAMEm/SDL 1.8 [Coleco Adam], Atomulator v1.13 [Acorn Atom], FreeDO v2.1.1 Alpha FX [3DO]) and new versions of existing ones (BizHawk v1.8.4 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Classic99 v374 [TI-99/4A], Common Source Code Project v2014.10.11 [Japanese Computers & Consoles], DeSmuME X432R v2014.10.12 [Nintendo DS], FMSX v4.0 [MSX], Gambatte r571 [Nintendo Game Boy], HDNes v2014.09.29 [Nintendo NES], Joyce v2.2.7 [Amstrad PCW], JPCSP v0.7-r3654 [Sony PSP], MADrigal CD Collection v59.9 [Handheld], Play! v2014.10.14 [Sony PlayStation 2], PCem v9.0 [PC (IBM PC XT-AT)], VirtualBox v4.3.18 [Virtual Machine], Virtual Jaguar v2.1.2 [Atari Jaguar], WinArcadia v22.71 [Multi-Systems (MISC));
- Completed the numbers 0–9 and the letter A of the ‘Online Retro Games - MAME’ section.
01 OCTOBER 2014
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new emulators (aGenesis v5.2.1 [Sega Mega Drive/Genesis], John SNES v1.01 [Nintendo SNES]) and new versions of existing ones (2600.emu v1.5.20 [Atari 2600], AlmostTI v2.4 [Calculators], C64.emu v1.5.21 [Commodore 64], ColEm Free v3.2.1 [ColecoVision], Droid48 v1.61 [Calculators], FPse v0.11.147 [Sony PlayStation], GBA.emu v1.5.20 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], GBC.emu v1.5.20 [Nintendo Game Boy], go12c v1.1.3 [Calculators], go41c v1.1.9 [Calculators], iNES v4.1 [Nintendo NES], John GBA v2.60 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], John GBC v2.60 [Nintendo Game Boy], John NES v2.60 [Nintendo NES], MagicBox Free v1.0.14 [PC DOS (DOsBox)], MasterGear v3.0.2 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], MD.emu v1.5.21 [Sega Master System/MegaDrive], Mini vMac v1.2.1 [Apple Macintosh], Mini vMac II v2.1.1 [Apple Macintosh], MSX.emu v1.5.21 [MSX], NEO.emu v1.5.20 [SNK Neo Geo], NES-FC v1.1.0 [Nintendo NES], NES.emu v1.5.20 [Nintendo NES], NGP.emu v1.5.20 [SNK Neo Geo Pocket], PCE.emu v1.5.20 [PC-Engine/TurboGrafx 16], Snes9x EX v1.5.20 [Nintendo SNES], Snes9x EX+ v1.5.20 [Nintendo SNES], Virtual GameBoy v4.3.6 [Nintendo Game Boy], Virtual GameBoy Advance v4.5.4 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], Uae4all2 v2.3.5.8 [Commodore Amiga], Wabbitemu v1.05.2 [Calculators]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new emulators (SimCoupe v1.0 [SAM Coupé]) and new versions of existing ones (BizHawk v1.8.2 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], JPCSP v0.7-r3640 [Sony PSP], Mednafen v0.9.36.4 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], ZEsarUX v1.2 [Sinclair Spectrum/ZX80/ZX81]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Online’ section with new emulators (Emscripten-ScummVM (HTML 5), Js16 [Chip16], JS8080 [Intel 8080], Manchester Baby Simulator [Manchester Baby], NACLBox [PC DOS], Snes4nacl [Nintendo SNES], WITCH Emulator [Harwell WITCH]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (Jynx v1.0.8 [Camputers Lynx], Virtual GameBoy Advance v4.5 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance]) and new versions of existing ones (BizHawk v1.8.2 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], JPCSP v0.7-r3640 [Sony PSP], MADrigal CD Collection v59.7 [Handhelds], Pantheon v2.414 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], PC6001V v1.22 [NEC PC-6001], Play! v2014.09.28 [Sony PlayStation 2], Project64K v2014.09.17 [Nintendo 64], Raine v0.63.12 [Arcade (MISC)], WinDS PRO v2014.09.16 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], XEiJ v0.14.09.23 [Sharp X68000], Yanese v0.45 [Nintendo NES]).
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new versions of existing ones (Andro12C Financial Free v2.04 [Calculators], DosBox Turbo v2.1.17 [PC (DOSBox)], fMSX v3.9.5 [MSX], FPse v0.11.144 [Sony PlayStation], go12c v1.1.2 [Calculators], iNES v4.0.1 [Nintendo NES], Jnes v1.4.10.58 [Nintendo NES], John GBA v2.53 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], John GBC v2.53 [Nintendo Game Boy], John NES v2.53 [Nintendo NES], MasterGear v3.0.1 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], Speccy v3.3 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Virtual GameBoy v4.3.5 [Nintendo Game Boy], Virtual GameBoy Advance v4.5.3 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new versions of existing ones (CocoaMSX v1.41 [MSX], JPCSP v0.7-r3621 [Sony PSP], PPSSPP v0.9.9.1 [Sony PSP], Stella v4.1.1 [Atari 2600], VirtualBox v4.3.16 [Virtual Machine]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Online’ section with new emulators (C1Pjs [Ohio Scientific Challenger 1P], Easy 6502 [MOS 6502], Speak & Spell Online [Speak & Spell]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (Kindred v1.06-PB1 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], MAME PLUS! XT LITE v0.154 [Arcade (MAME)]) and new versions of existing ones (AppleWin v1.25.0.3 [Apple II/II+/IIe], Common Source Code Project v2014.09.13 [Japanese Computers & Consoles], DeSmuME X432R v2014.09.14 [Nintendo DS], Final Burn Alpha Shuffle v2.4.0–20140912 [Arcade (MISC)], GroovyMame v0.154.015b [Arcade (MAME)], GroovyUme v0.154.015b [Multi-Systems (UME)], HDNes v27.08.2014 [Nintendo NES], Hi65 v5 [Commodore 65], hpsx64 v015 [Sony PlayStation 1/2], JPCSP v0.7-r3621 [Sony PSP], MADrigal CD Collection v59.6 [Schiacciapensieri], Mame NεH† v0.154 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME PLUS! XT v0.154 [Arcade (MAME)], Mednafen v0.9.36.4 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], My NES v6.1 [Nintendo NES], Nestopia UE v1.46 [Nintendo NES], Pantheon v2.364 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Pasofami v2.18 [Nintendo GB/NES/SNES], Raine v0.63.11 [Arcade (MISC)], Stella v4.1.1 [Atari 2600], VirtualBox v4.3.16 [Virtual Machine], WinArcadia v22.64 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinDS PRO v2014.09.01 [Multi-Systems (MISC)]);
30 AUGUST 2014
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new versions of existing ones (AEMULA v2.2 (PC X86), ColEm v3.2 [ColecoVision], DosBox Turbo v2.1.16 [PC DOSBox], FPse v0.11.141 [Sony PlayStation], Gameboy Color A.D. v5.3 [Nintendo Game Boy], iNES v4.0 [Nintendo NES], Jnes v1.4.8.55 [Nintendo NES], MagicBox v1.0.12 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], MasterGear v2.9.15 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], PPSSPP v0.9.9.1 [Sony PSP], SuperGNES v1.5.4 [Nintendo SNES], TRS-80 Emulator v0.15 [TRS-80], Uae4all2 v2.3.5.7 [Commodore Amiga], Virtual GameBoy v4.3.4 [Nintendo Game Boy], Virtual GameBoy Advance v4.5.2 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new versions of existing ones (BizHawk v1.8.1 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], CocoaMSX v1.40 [MSX], JPCSP v0.7-r3600 [Sony PSP], MAMEHub v3.1.0 [Arcade (MAME)], Mednafen v0.9.36.3 [Multi-Systems (MISC)]);
- Created the ‘Emulators/Online’ section;
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (BFMulator v2.07 [Fruit Machine], Project Amber v1.0914 [Fruit Machine], Steem v3.2 [Atari ST]) and new versions of existing ones (BizHawk v1.8.1 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Common Source Code Project v2014.08.29 [Japanese Computers & Consoles], DeSmuME X432R v2014.08.17 [Nintendo DS], Final Burn Alpha Shuffle v2.4.0–20140811 [Arcade (MISC)], JPCSP v0.7-r3600 [Sony PSP], MAME Plus! Ash Build v0.154 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEHub v3.1.0 [Arcade (MAME)], MS-DOS Player v2014.08.28 [PC DOS (MISC)], My NES v6.0 [Nintendo NES], Play! v2014.08.29 [Sony PlayStation 2], PPSSPP v0.9.9.1 [Sony PSP], WinArcadia v22.63 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinDS PRO v2014.08.21 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], XEiJ v0.14.08.19 [Sharp X68000], Z80Stealth v1.23 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], ZX Spectrum 4 .net v1.0.5332 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum]);
- Created the ‘Online Retro Games’ section.
06 AUGUST 2014
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new emulators (a Atari 2600 Free v1.5.18 [Atari 2600], a GBA Free v1.5.19 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], a GBC Free v1.5.18 [Nintendo Game Boy], a MD Free v1.5.19 [Sega Master System/MegaDrive], a NEO Free v1.5.19 [SNK Neo Geo], a NES Free v1.5.19 [Nintendo NES], a NGP Free v1.5.18 [SNK Neo Geo Pocket], a PCE Free v1.5.19 [NEC PC-Engine/Turbo Grafx 16], a Saturn Free v1.5.19 [Sega Saturn], a SNES Free v1.5.19 [Nintendo SNES], Activision Anthology v1.0.0 [Android RetroGames], AirFox v1.8 [Android RetroGames], Alien Breed v1.0.3 [Android RetroGames], AmiKit v1.7.0 [Commodore Amiga], Amiga Forever Essentials v1.01 [Commodore Amiga], Another World v1.1.3 [Android RetroGames], Blazing Star v1.4 [Android RetroGames], Break the Bricks v2.5 [Android RetroGames], Double Dragon Trilogy v1.4 [Android RetroGames], Froggy v1.7 [Android RetroGames], Gobliiins Trilogy v1.02 [Android RetroGames], Hataroid v1.560 [Atari ST], MagicBox v1.0.9 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], Manik v2.2 [Android RetroGames], Metal Slug 1/2/X/3 [Android RetroGames], R-Type II v1.0.3 [Android RetroGames], Raiden Legacy v1.8.5 [Android RetroGames], Simon the Sorcerer v1.2.1.0 [Android RetroGames], Simon the Sorcerer 2 v1.0.5.0 [Android RetroGames], Superfrog HD v1.00 [Android RetroGames], Tetrix v1.0 [Android RetroGames], The King of Fighters ‘97/’98 [Android RetroGames], Turbo v2.3.4 [Android RetroGames], Turbo SE v1.3.5 [Android RetroGames]) and new versions of existing ones (Andro11C calculator v2.03 [Calculators], Andro12C financial v2.01 [Calculators], Andro12C Platinum v2.02 [Calculators], Andro16C calculator v2.02 [Calculators], Android Terminal Emulator v1.0.62 [Terminals], ClassicBoy v1.2.4 [Multi-System], ColEm v3.1 [ColecoVision], DosBox Manager v2.1.15a [PC DOS (DOSBox)], Duke Nukem 3D v12 [Android RetroGames], emu.DS Emulator v4.2.2 [Nintendo DS], emu.GBA GBC Emulator v4.4.2 [Nintendo GB/GBC], emu.N64 Emulator v4.4.2 [Nintendo 64], ePSXe v1.9.20 [Sony PlayStation], fMSX v3.9.4 [MSX], Free42 v1.5.4 [Calculators], FPse v0.11.138 [Sony PlayStation], Gameboy Color A.D. v5.2 [Nintendo Game Boy], iNES v3.9.13 [Nintendo NES], John GBC v2.51 [Nintendo Game Boy], John GBA v2.51 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], John NES v2.51 [Nintendo NES], MasterGear v2.9.14 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], My Boy! v1.6.0.2 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], MyGBA v1.0.3 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], PAC-MAN Championship Edition v1.1.1 [Android RetroGames], Pinball Arcade v1.30.1 [Android RetroGames], PPSSPP v0.9.9 [Sony PSP], R-TYPE v2.0.5 [Android Retrogames], ScummVM v1.7.0 [GPAG], Speak and Spell v1.17 [Speak & Spell (simulator)], Speccy v3.2 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], SuperGNES v1.5.0 [Nintendo SNES], Uae4all2 v2.3.5.6 [Commodore Amiga], Virtual GameBoy v4.3.1 [Nintendo Game Boy], Virtual GameBoy Advance v4.4.6 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], Wabbitemu v1.02 [Calculators]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new emulators (AdvanceCD v2.6.2 [LiveCD], AdvanceMAME (source) v1.2 [Arcade (MAME)], AdvanceMESS (source) v0.102.0.1 [Arcade (MESS)], DOSBox Daum Build v2014.01.27 [PC (X86/X86–64)], Faux (source) v0.95.9 [Apple I], FireGB (source) v1.1 [Nintendo Game Boy], Gearboy (source) v0.8 [Nintendo Game Boy], Gearsystem (source) v1.2 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], HalfNES v0.57 [Nintendo NES], O2EM2 (source) v1.51 [Magnavox Odyssey 2], vMac v0.1.9 [Apple Macintosh], YAPE (source) v0.32.5 [Commodore 16/116/Plus 4]) and new versions of existing ones (AmiKit v1.7.0 [Commodore Amiga], Basilisk II v2014.13.01 [Apple Macintosh], BizHawk v1.7.4 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Free42 v1.5.4 [Calculators], Hatari v1.8.0 [Atari ST], JPCSP v0.7-r3584 [Sony PSP], MAME v0.154 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEHub v3.0.1 [Arcade (MAME)], Mednafen v0.9.36.2 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], MESS v0.154 [Arcade (MESS)], PPSSPP v0.9.9 [Sony PSP], Q Emulator v0.9.0a89 [PC (X86/X86–64)], ScummVM v1.7.0 [GPAG], Shoebill v0.0.4 [Apple Macintosh], VirtualBox v4.3.14–95030 [Virtual Machine], Wabbitemu v2014.02.26 [Calculators], ZEsarUX v1.1 [Sinclair ZX80/81/Spectrum]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (AdvanceCD v2.6.2 [LiveCD], Common Source Code Project v2014.05.01 [Japanese Comnputers/Consoles], FireGB v1.1 [Nintendo Game Boy], GameBase v1.3 [GameBase], HalfNES v0.57 [Nintendo NES], MADrigal CD Collection v59.5 [Handhelds], Shoebill v0.0.4 [Apple Macintosh], Speak & Spell 1978 Simulator v3.34 [Speak & Spell (simulator)], VBjin-OVR v2.0 [Nintendo Virtual Boy], XEiJ v0.14.07.17 [Sharp X68000]) and new versions of existing ones (Altirra v2.50 [Atari 8-bit], AmiKit v1.7.0 [Commodore Amiga], BizHawk v1.7.4 [Multi-Systems (MISC], Caname v0.62.154 [Arcade (MAME)], Cxbx v2014.07.14 [XBox], DeSmuME X432R v2014.08.03 [Nintendo DS], DGEN/SDL v1.33 [Sega MegaDrive/Genesis], DSP-Emulator v0.15 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], DSVZ200 v2014.07.29 [VTech Laser 200], Final Burn Alpha v0.2.97.31 [Arcade (MISC)], Final Burn Alpha Shuffle v2.4.0–20140804 [Arcade (MISC)], Free42 v1.5.4 [Calculators], Gearboy v1.6 [Nintendo Game Boy], Gearsystem v1.2 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], HalfNES v0.57 [Nintendo NES], Hatari v1.8.0 [Atari ST], HDNes v2014.07.20 [Nintendo NES], HQMAME v2.15 [Arcade (MAME)], JPCSP v0.7-r3584 [Sony PSP], MAME v0.154 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME32 More! v0.84.154 [Arcade (MAME)], Mame32K v0.67.154 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEHub v3.0.1 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! v0.154 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! UI v0.154 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! Plus! Kaillera v0.154 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUI v0.154 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUIFX v0.154 [Arcade (MAME)], Mednafen v0.9.36.3 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], MESS v0.154 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MESSUI v0.154 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MEWUI FOR MAME v1.54 [Arcade (MAME], MEWUI FOR MESS v1.54 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MEWUI FOR UME v1.54 [Multi-Systems (UME)], MS-DOS Player v2014.07.08 [PC DOS (MISC)], nemulator v3.4 [Nintendo NES], nmamex2 v2014.07.27 [Arcade (MAME)], Pantheon v2.300 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Play! v2014.08.04 [Sony PlayStation 2], PPSSPP v0.9.9 [Sony PSP], puNES v0.90 [Nintendo NES], QEMU v2.1.0 [PC (X86/X86–64)], QPC v4.02 [Sinclair QL], Raine v0.63.10 [Arcade (MISC)], ScummVM v1.7.0 [GPAG], SDLMAME v0.154 [Arcade (MAME)], Sugarbox v0.22 [Amstrad CPC], UME v0.154 [Multi-Systems (UME)], VirtualBox v4.3.14–95030 [Virtual Machine], Wabbitemu v2014.02.26 [Calculators], WinArcadia v22.62 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinDS PRO v2014.08.02 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WolfMame v0.154 [Arcade (MAME)], WolfMess v0.154 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], XM6 TypeG v3.12 L50 [Sharp X68000], Yanese v0.20 [Nintendo NES]).
16 JULY 2014
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new emulators (Emu64 v5.0.9 [Commodore 64], Phem v1.3 [Palm OS], Pockemul v0.9.4.2 [Pocket Computer]) and new versions of existing ones (ClassicBoy v1.2.0 [Multi-System], ColEm v3.0 [ColecoVision], fMSX v3.9.3 [MSX], FPse v0.11.136 [Sony PlayStation], iNES v3.9.11 [Nintendo NES], MasterGear v2.9.12 [Sega Game Gear/Master System], Speccy v3.1.1 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Virtual GameBoy v4.2.8 [Nintendo Game Boy], Virtual GameBoy Advance v4.4.5 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new emulators (Android-x86 [Android], Andy Android Emulator [Android], DCaSTaway rc-6 [Atari ST], Emulicious v2014.07.06 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Google Android Emulator [Android], JPCSP v0.7-r3560 [Sony PSP], MacMoon 0.8.6 [Arcade (MISC)], MAMEHUB v3.0.0 [Arcade (MAME)], MaxZip v1.7.8 [Z-Machine], POSE v3.5 [Palm OS], ZX4ALL beta 2 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], ZXMAMECD v0.81 [Live CD]) and new versions of existing ones (BizHawk v1.7.1 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], DMGBoy v2.0 [Nintendo Game Boy], GSport v0.31 [Apple IIgs], Stella v4.0 [Atari 2600], VisualBoy Advance v1.7.6 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], VMware Fusion v6.04 [Virtual Machine]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (Ace v1.9 (Arcade (MISC)], AdvanceMESS v0.102.0.1 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], AES4ALL beta 4 [SNK Neo Geo], Android-x86 [Android], Andy Android Emulator [Android], Anex86 v2.78 (NEC PC-9801], BasinC v1.69 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], CEN64 v0.1 [Nintendo 64], DCaSTaway rc-6 [Atari ST], DCVG5K v2.0 [Philips VG-5000], Emul5 v1.5 [Thomson MO5], Emulicious v2014.07.06 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Gearsystem v1.0 [Sega Game Gear/Master System], GiiBii v0.3 [Nintendo Game Boy], Google Android Emulator [Android], HiVE v1.04 [Arcade (MISC], Impact v432756 [Arcade (MISC)], iNES v3.6 [Nintendo NES], InfoNES v0.91 [Nintendo NES], JPCSP v0.7-r3560 [Sony PSP], Laser v1.02 [Arcade (MISC)], M88 v2.15 [NEC PC-8001], MAME4ALL beta 2 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEHUB v3.0.0 [Arcade (MAME)], MasterGear v2.6 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], Modeler v0.9.3a [Sega System 32/ Model 1], NEO4ALL rc-4 [SNK Neo Geo CD], NeoPocott v0.38b [SNK Neo Geo Pocket], Nester beta 4a [Nintendo NES], OldSpark C++ v2007.10.06 [Arcade (MISC)], PicoDrive v1.45a [Sega MegaDrive/Genesis], POSE v3.5 [Palm OS], Potator v0.6 [Watara Supervision], Sega System 24 Emulator v0 [Sega System 24], Sega System C2 Emulator v0.2b [Sega System C2], System 16 Arcade Emulator v0.82 [Sega Model 16], Tickle v0.94 [Arcade (MISC)], UAE4ALL rc-1 [Commodore Amiga], UltraHLE v1.1.0 [Nintendo 64], UMSX v0.2 [MSX], Virtual GameBoy v3.5 [Nintendo Game Boy], Virtual GameBoy Advance v3.6 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], X88000 v1.4.0 [NEC PC-8001], Xe v2.16.2 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], XGS v1.6.4 [Apple IIgs], Yame v0.38 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], ZX4ALL beta 2 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], ZXMAMECD v0.81 [Live CD]) and new versions of existing ones (Colem v2.9 [ColecoVision], DeSmuME X432R v2014.07.12 [Nintendo DS], Fake86 v0.13.9.16 [PC (X86/X86–64)], FB Alpha Shuffle v2.4.0–20140626 [Arcade (MISC)], FCEUX v2.2.2 [Nintendo NES], GSport v0.31 [Apple IIgs], Mednafen v0.9.36.2 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], MEWUI v1.54rc2 [Arcade (MAME)], MEWUI FOR MESS v1.54rc2 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MEWUI FOR UME v1.54rc2 [Multi-Systems (UME)], Pantheon v2.218 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Pasofami v2.17 [Nintendo GB/NES/SNES], Play! v2014.07.12 [Sony PlayStation 2], Raine v0.63.9 [Arcade (MISC)], Stella v4.0 [Atari 2600], Sugarbox v0.20 [Amstrad CPC], Visual Boy Advance-M r1229 [Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Advance], VMware Player v6.0.3 [Virtual Machine], WinArcadia v22.61 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinDS PRO v2014.07.10 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Xebra v2014.07.07 [Sony PlayStation]).
25 JUNE 2014
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new emulators (emu.DS Emulator v3.2.0 [Nintendo DS], emu.GBA GBC Emulator v4.0.2 [Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Advance], emu.N64 Emulator v3.7.3 [Nintendo 64], GBA Emulator (Hai Phong Game Studio) v1.0.6 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], GBA Emulator (Zenapp Inc) v1.0.0 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], geGBA v3.2.0 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], geGBC v2.6.0 [Nintendo Game Boy], ge.NES v3.4 [Nintendo NES], geN64 Emulator v3.3.0 [Nintendo 64], geNDS v6.2.0 [Nintendo DS], NES Emulator (Bezerra Alex Sil) v2.5 [Nintendo NES], NES Emulator (Hai Phong Game Studio) v1.0.10 [Nintendo NES], Open NDS Emulator v1.0.0 [Nintendo DS], Pretendo N64 Emulator v1.1 [Nintendo 64], Pretendo NDS Emulator [Nintendo DS], Sega Emulator v1.0 [Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, Master System], Sega Genesis (MD) v31 [Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, Master System], SNES Emulator v1.0.4 [Nintendo SNES], XM7 v0.8 L43 [Fujitsu FM-7]) and new versions of existing ones (Andro12C financial v2.00 [Calculators], ePSXe v1.9.19 [Sony PlayStation], fMSX v3.9.2 [MSX], Free42 v1.5.3a [Calculators], go33c v1.1.6 [Calculators], go41c v1.1.8 [Calculators], go87 v1.0.6 [HP-87], iNES v3.9.10 [Nintendo NES], Jnes v1.4.7.54 [Nintendo NES], John GBA v2.23 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], John GBC v2.23 [Nintendo Game Boy], John NES v2.23 [Nintendo NES], Mobile C64 v1.6.26 [Commodore 64], Mobile Gameboy v1.15.2 [Nintendo Game Boy], Speccy v3.1.0 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], TRS-80 Emulator v0.13 [TRS-80], Virtual GameBoy v4.2.7 [Nintendo Game Boy], Virtual GameBoy Advance v4.4.1 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new emulators (BizHawk v1.7.0 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], HazeMD v0.12a [Sega Game Gear/Master System/Megadrive]) and new versions of existing ones (Free42 v1.5.3 [Calculators], sixtyforce v1.0 [Nintendo 64]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (DSVZ200 v2014.06.15 [Dick Smith VZ200/VZ300], Emulator2001 v2013.07.28 [Emerson Arcadia 2001], HazeMD v0.14a [Sega Game Gear/Master System/Megadrive], ThunderMAME32+ v0.106X [Arcade (MAME)], XM7 v1.1 L62 [Fujitsu FM-7], XM7 Dash v1.2 L18 [Fujitsu FM-7/FM-8]) and new versions of existing ones (ARAnyM v0.9.16 [Atari ST], BizHawk v1.7.1 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Bochs v2.6.6 [PC (X86/X86–64)], Classic99 v373 [TI-99/4A], Cxbx v2014.06.17 [XBox], DeSmuME X432R v2014.06.14 [Nintendo DS], Dolphin v4.0.2 [Nintendo GameCube/Wii], Mednafen v0.9.36 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Play! v2014.06.22 [Sony Playstation 2], puNES v0.89 [Nintendo NES], Raine v0.63.7–2 [Arcade (MISC)], Speccy v3.0 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Steem SSE v3.6.4 [Atari ST], ThunderMAME32UI+ v0.153X [Arcade (MAME)], WinArcadia v22.51 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinDS PRO v2014.06.12 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinUAE v2.8.1 [Commodore Amiga], XM6 TypeG v3.12 L30 [Sharp X68000]).
10 JUNE 2014
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new emulators (ClassicBoy v1.1.8 [Multi-System], MyGBA v1.0.2 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], My OldBoy! v1.1.0 [Nintendo Game Boy]) and new versions of existing ones (AlmostTI v2.3.9 [Calculators], ColEm v2.9.15 [ColecoVision], DosBox Manager v2.1.14 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], DosBox Turbo v2.1.14 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], ePSXe v1.9.18 [Sony PlayStation], fMSX v3.9.1 [MSX], FPse v0.11.135 [Sony PlayStation], go87 v1.0.5 [HP-87], iNES v3.9.9 [Nintendo NES], MasterGear v2.9.9 [Sega Game Gear/Master System], My Boy! v1.6.0 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], Speccy v3.0.7 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], TRS-80 Emulator v0.12 [TRS-80], Virtual GameBoy v4.2.6 [Nintendo Game Boy], Virtual GameBoy Advance v4.4 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new emulators (pyldin v3.3–29 [Pyldin-601], ZEsarUX v1.0.1 [Sinclair ZX80/81/Spectrum]) and new versions of existing ones (OpenEmu v1.0.3 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], OpenEmu Experimental v1.0.3 [Arcade (MAME)], OZvm v1.1.5 [Cambridge Z88], Shoebill v0.0.3 [Apple Macintosh], VirtualBox v4.3.12–93733 [Virtual Machine]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (Aspectrum v0.1.8 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], creatiVision emulator v0.2.8 [Vtech CreatiVision], DOSBox SVN Daum v2014.01.27 [PC (DOSBox)], Emu71 v1.06 [Calculators], pyldin v3.3–29 [Pyldin-601], RM-TEAM PMD 85 Emulator v2.2.8.301 [Tesla PMD 85], XM6 TypeG v3.12 [Sharp X68000]) and new versions of existing ones (Bochs v2.6.5 [PC (X86/X86–64)], Cxbx v2014.05.28 [Xbox], DeSmuME X432R v2014.05.25 [Nintendo DS], Emu7800 v1.7 [Atari 7800], Free42 v1.5.3 [Calculators], HDNes v2014.05.24 [Nintendo NES], Hi65 v4.1 [Commodore 65], Mednafen v0.9.35 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], no$psx v1.9 [Sony PlayStation], OZvm v1.1.5 [Cambridge Z88], Play! v2014.06.05 [Sony PlayStation 2], puNES v0.87 [Nintendo NES], RockNES v5.142 [Nintendo NES], VirtualBox v4.3.12–93733 [Virtual Machine], WinArcadia v22.5 [Multi-Systems (MISC)]).
21 MAY 2014
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new versions of existing ones (AlmostTI v2.3.8 [Calculators], AndroGens v1.4 [Sega Megadrive/Genesis], ColEm v2.9.14 [ColecoVision], fMSX v3.9 [MSX], FPse v0.11.134 [Sony PlayStation], HP67 Calculator v2.5 [Calculators], iNES v3.9.7 [Nintendo NES], Jnes v1.4.5.52 [Nintendo NES], John GBA v2.22 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], John GBC v2.22 [Nintendo Game Boy], John NES v2.22 [Nintendo NES], MasterGear v2.9.7 [Sega Game Gear/Master System], Mobile Gameboy v1.15.1 [Nintendo Game Boy], Speccy v3.0.6 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Spectaculator v2.0 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Virtual GameBoy v4.2.5 [Nintendo Game Boy], Virtual GameBoy Advance v4.3.14 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], Wabbitemu v1.01 [Calculators]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new emulators (BK Back to Life! v8 [Soviet Bloc], Frotz 2.41 [Z-Machine], UKNC Back to Life! v24 [Soviet Bloc]) and new versions of existing ones (openMSX v0.10.1 [MSX], Shoebill v0.0.2 [Apple Macintosh], Xroar v0.32 [Dragon 32–64]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (A8E [Atari 8-bit], BK Back to Life! r207 [Soviet Bloc], CalcEm v0.51 [Calculators], DeSmuME X432R v2014.05.18 [Nintendo DS], Emulator 3000 v6.1 [Soviet Bloc], Frodo v4.1b [Commodore 64], KCemu v0.5.1 [KC 85], Korvet Emulator v0.95 [Soviet Bloc], Micro64 v1.00.2013.05.11 [Commodore 64], PC6001V v1.21 [NEC PC-6001], PC/XT Emulator v0.95 [PC (IBM PC XT-AT)], Play! v2014.05.04 [Sony PlayStation 2], SPC/BK v0.95 [Soviet Bloc], TiEmu v3.03 [Calculators], Tilem v2.0 [Calculators], UKNC Back to Life! v515 [Soviet Bloc], Zodiac v0.8.1 [MSX]) and new versions of existing ones (DICE v0.9 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], DMGBoy v2.0 [Nintendo Game Boy], Emu48 v1.56 [Calculators], fMSX v3.9 [MSX], MAME Plus! v0.153 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! [Ash Build] v0.153 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! UI v0.153 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! Plus! Kaillera v0.153 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! XT v0.153 [Arcade (MAME)], Mednafen v0.9.34.1 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], openMSX v0.10.1 [MSX], Pantheon v2.124 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], puNES v0.85 [Nintendo NES], SpudACE v0.320 [Jupiter Ace], Steem SSE v3.6.3 [Atari ST], QDAE v0.0.10 [Apricot F1/XI/PORTABLE], Virtual T v1.6 [TRS-80 Model-I-III-4], Visual Pinball v9.9.0 [Pinball], WinDS PRO v2014.04.29 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinUAE v2.8.0 [Commodore Amiga], Xroar v0.32 [Dragon 32–64], Yanese v0.19 [Nintendo NES]).
20 APRIL 2014
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new versions of existing ones (ColEm v2.9.12 [ColecoVision], DraStic DS Emulator r2.2.1.2a [Nintendo DS], iNES v3.9.5 [Nintendo NES], fMSX v3.8.2 [MSX], FPse v0.11.130 [Sony PlayStation], John GBA v2.211 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], MasterGear v2.9.5 [Sega Master System / Game Gear], Mobile C64 v1.6.25 [Commodore 64], Mobile Gameboy v1.15 [Nintendo Game Boy], My Boy! v1.5.25 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], Perfect NES Emulator v2.9.4 [Nintendo NES], Speccy v3.0.4 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], SuperGNES v1.4.3 [Nintendo SNES], Virtual GameBoy v4.2.1 [Nintendo Game Boy], Virtual GameBoy Advance v4.3.12 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new versions of existing ones (ARAnyM v0.9.16 [Atari ST], MAME v0.153 [Arcade (MAME)], MESS v0.153 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], Sweet16 v3.0.3 [Apple IIgs], zxsp v0.8.0-pre24 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (Emu42 v1.18 [Calculators], Game Boy Enhanced v1.0 [Nintendo Game Boy], GiiBiiAdvance v0.2.0 [Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Advance], MEWUI for UME v1.53 [Multi-Systems (UME)], MS-DOS Player v2014.04.08 [PC DOS (MISC)], nmamex2 v2014.04.10 [Arcade (MAME)], ThunderMAME32UI+ v0.143X [Arcade (MAME)]) and new versions of existing ones (Caname v0.62.153 [Arcade (MAME), Cxbx v2014.06.05 [XBOX], Final Burn Alpha Shuffle v2.4.0–20140403 [Arcade (MISC)], GroovyMAME v0.153.015a [Arcade (MAME)], GroovyUME v0.153.015a [Multi-Systems (UME)], HBMAME 0.153-r29507 [Arcade (MAME)], HDNes v2014.04.05 [Nintendo NES], HqMAME v2.14 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME v0.153 [Arcade (MAME)], Mame32K v0.67.153 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME32 More! v0.84.153 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUI v0.153 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUIFX v0.153 [Arcade (MAME)], Mednafen v0.9.33.3 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], MESS v0.153 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MESSUI v0.153 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MEWUI for MAME v1.53 [Arcade (MAME)], MEWUI for MESS v1.53 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], puNES v0.82 [Nintendo NES], SDLMAME v0.153 [Arcade (MAME)], Steem SSE v3.6.2 [Atari ST], UME v0.153 [Multi-Systems (UME)], WinArcadia v22.33 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinDS PRO v2014.12 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WolfMame v0.153 [Multi-Systems (MAME)], WolfMess v0.153 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], Yanese v0.18 [Nintendo NES]).
03 APRIL 2014
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Android’ section with new emulators (Arcade-XPlay [Arcade (MISC)], GBCEmulator is GBC&GB emulator v1.2 [Nintendo Game Boy], gDosBox v0.7.5 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], NESEmulator is NES&FC emulator v1.0 [Nintendo NES], SNESEmulator is SNES emulator v1.2 [Nintendo SNES], Super N64 Emulator v1.0.3beta [Nintendo 64]) and new versions of existing ones (C64 Gold v1.01 [Commodore 64], ColEm v2.9.10 [ColecoVision], DosBox Manager v2.1.13 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], DosBox Turbo v2.1.13 [PC DOS (DOSBox)], DraStic r2.2.1.0a [Nintendo DS], fMSX v3.8.1 [MSX], FPse v0.11.127 [Sony PlayStation], iNES v3.9.4 [Nintendo NES], Jnes v1.4.4.51 [Nintendo NES], Mobile Gameboy v1.14.9 [Nintendo Game Boy], My Boy! v1.5.24 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], MasterGear v2.9.3 [Sega Master System/Game Gear], NES-FC v1.0.9 [Nintendo NES], Nostalgia.GBC v1.09.1 [Nintendo Game Boy], Nostalgia.NES v1.09.1 [Nintendo NES], PPSSPP v0.9.8 [Sony PSP], PPSSPP Gold v0.9.8 [Sony PSP], PS-Xplay v3.0 [Sony PlayStation], RetroArch v1.0.0.2 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Saturn.emu v1.5.19 [Sega Saturn], Speccy v3.0.3 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], TRS-80 Emulator v0.10 [TRS-80], Uae4all2 v2.3.5.3 [Commodore Amiga], USP v0.0.58 [ZX Spectrum], Virtual GameBoy v4.2 [Nintendo Game Boy], Virtual GameBoy Advance v4.3.8 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new emulators (RetroArch v1.0.0.2 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Wine v1.7.0 [Windows]) and new versions of existing ones (Free42 1.5.2 [Calculators], FS-UAE v2.4.1 [Commodore Amiga], Fx702p v2014.03.30 [Calculators], JPCSP r3477 [Sony PSP], Oricutron v1.1 [Oric 1-Atmos], PPSSPP v0.9.8 [Sony PSP], VirtualBox v4.3.10–93012 [Virtual Machine]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (XM6 Pro-68k v140316 [Sharp X68000]) and new versions of existing ones (BizHawk v1.6.1 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Emu28 v1.28 [Calculators], Final Burn Alpha Shuffle v2.4.0–140316 [Arcade(MISC)], Free42 v1.5.2 [Calculators], FS-UAE v2.4.1 [Commodore Amiga], Fx702p v2014.03.30 [Calculators], HDNes v2014.03.10 [Nintendo NES], JPCSP r3477 [Sony PSP], Mednafen v0.9.33.1 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Pasofami v2.16 [Nintendo NES/SNES], Pantheon v1.980 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], PPSSPP v0.9.8 [Sony PSP], puNES v0.81 [Nintendo NES], RetroArch v1.0.0.2 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Sugarbox v0.18 [Amstrad CPC], ThunderMAME32+ v0.106X [Arcade (MAME)], VB81 XuR v2014.03.14 [Sinclair ZX81], VirtualBox v4.3.10–93012 [Virtual Machine], WinArcadia v22.32 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinDS PRO v2014.11 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], XM6i v0.43 [Sharp X68000], Xpeccy v2014.03.22 [ZX Spectrum], Yanese v0.17 [Nintendo NES]).
12 MARCH 2014
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new emulators (Shoebill v0.0.1 [Apple Macintosh]) and new versions of existing ones (FS-UAE v2.4.0 [Commodore Amiga], Fuse v1.1.1.1 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], JPCSP r3462 [Sony PSP], OpenEmu v1.0.2 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], PPSSPP v0.9.7.2 [Sony PSP], Puppy Arcade v11 [Live CD], SheepShaver v2014.02.01 [Apple Macintosh], VirtualBox v4.3.8–92456 [Virtual Machine]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (GSport v0.2a [Apple IIgs], Spud81 v0.019 [Sinclair ZX81], WRPN 16c v6.0.6 [Calculators], ZX Spectrum 4 .net v1.0.5172 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum]) and new versions of existing ones (Agat Emulator 1.26.1 [Apple II/II+/IIE], Atari++ v1.73 [Atari 8-bit], BizHawk v1.6.0a [Multi-Systems (MISC)], DICE v0.8 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], FS-UAE v2.4.0 [Commodore Amiga], HDNes v2014.02.01 [Nintendo NES], JPCSP r3462 [Sony PSP], MAME Plus! XT v0.152 [Arcade (MAME)], Mednafen v0.9.33.1 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Nintendulator v0.975 [Nintendo NES], no$psx v1.8 [Sony PlayStation], Pantheon v1.894 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], PCE atarist v2014.02.22 [Atari ST], PCE ibmpc v2014.02.22 [PC (IBM PC XT-AT)], PCE ibmpc-m24 v2014.02.22 [Olivetti M24], PCE macplus v2014.02.22 [Apple Macintosh], PCE rc759 v2014.02.22 [RC759 Piccoline], PCSX2 v1.2.1 [Sony Playstation 2], Project64K v2014.03.07 [Nintendo 64], PPSSPP v0.9.7.2 [Sony PSP], puNES v0.79 [Nintendo NES], Puppy Arcade v11 [Live CD], SPC/AT Emulator v0.97 [PC (X86/X86–64)], Steem SSE v3.6 [Atari ST], Sugarbox v0.17b [Amstrad CPC], VB81 XuR v2014.02.29 [Sinclair ZX81], VirtualBox v4.3.8–92456 [Virtual Machine], Visual Pinball v9.2.1 [Pinball], Wabbitemu v1.8.2.26 [Calculators], WinArcadia v22.31 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinDS PRO 2014.10 [Multi-Systems (MISC)]).
02 FEBRUARY 2014
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new emulators (Gargoyle v2011.1 [Z-Machine], Gbpablog v0.9 [Nintendo Game Boy], Genymotion [Android], OZvm v1.1.4 [Cambridge Z88]) and new versions of existing ones (DSP-Emulator 0.14b3 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Gambatte r550 [Nintendo Game Boy], HP-15C Simulator v3.3.00 [Calculators], MacFCEU v0.8a8 [Nintendo NES], Mini vMac v3.3.3 [Apple Macintosh], openMSX v0.10.0 [MSX], RAINE v0.63.4 [Arcade (MISC)], Stella v3.9.3 [Atari 2600], Sweet16 v3.0.2 [Apple II], Virtual ][ v7.4.1 [Apple II], XM6i v0.42 [Sharp X68000], Yabause v0.9.13 [Sega Saturn]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (DCEXEL v2012.04.01 [Exelvision EXL-100], DMGBoy v1.0 [Nintendo Game Boy], exl100 v2013.04.15 [Exelvision EXL-100], Genymotion [Android], HP-15C Simulator v3.3.00 [Calculators], OZvm v1.1.4 [Cambridge Z88], Sugarbox v0.16b [Amstrad CPC], YouWave [Android]) and new versions of existing ones (4DO v1.3.2.3 [3DO], Altirra 2.40 [Atari 8-bit], AppleWin v1.24.0 [Apple II], BizHawk 1.5.3 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], DCAlice v2014.01.23 [Matra Alice 4K/32/90], DCMO5 v11 [Thomson MO5], DEMUL v0.582 [Sega Dreamcast], Emu28 v1.27 [Calculators], Emu48 v1.55 [Calculators], FB Alpha Shuffle v2.4.0–140125 [Arcade (MISC)], Gambatte r550 [Nintendo Game Boy], Gens32 Surreal v1.90-Std [Sega Mega Drive/Genesis], HBMAME 0.152-r27147 [Arcade (MAME)], Higan v0.94 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Hoxs64 v1.0.8.6 [Commodore 64], HP-15c v1.0.32 [Calculators], hpsx64 v0.14 [Sony PlayStation], Mame32Plus Ash-Build v0.152 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! Plus Kaillera v0.152 [Arcade (MAME)], Mini vMac v3.3.3 [Apple Macintosh], Model 2 Emulator v1.1a [Sega Model 2], NeoGPC v1.1 [SNK Neo Geo Pocket], OpenMSX v0.10.0 [MSX], Pantheon v1.7102 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], PCE atarist v2013.12.22 [Atari ST], PCE ibmpc v2013.12.22 [PC (IBM PC XT-AT)], PCE macplus v2013.12.22 [Apple Macintosh], PCE ibmpc-m24 v2013.12.22 [Olivetti M24], PCE rc759 v2013.12.22 [RC759 Piccoline], puNES v0.78 [Nintendo NES], RetroArch v2014.01.05 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], RockNES v5.13d [Nintendo NES], RPCEmu v0.8.11 [Acorn Risc PC - A7000], SPC/AT v0.96.1 [PC (X86/X86–64)], SpecWin48 1.0.3 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Stella v3.9.3 [Atari 2600], SZ81 v2. [Sinclair ZX80/81], Visual Boy Advance-Lenny v2013.08.09 [Nintendo Game Boy Advance], Visual Boy Advance-M v1206 [Nintendo Game Boy/Game Boy Advance], WinArcadia v22.25 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinDS PRO 2014.6 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinFellow v0.5.2.966 [Commodore Amiga], XM6i v0.42 [Sharp X68000], Yabause v0.9.13_32–64bit [Sega Saturn]).
05 JANUARY 2014
- Created the ‘Emulators/Android’ section.
- Updated the ‘Emulators/MacOS’ section with new emulators (AmiKit v1.6.7 [Commodore Amiga], MaxUAE v0.8.22 [Commodore Amiga], OpenEmu v1.0.1 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], PCSX v1.5-test3 [Sony PlayStation)], Virtual Acorn v1.2 [Acorn Archimedes)]) and new versions of existing ones (MAME v0.152 [Arcade (MAME)], MESS v0.152 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], VirtualBox v4.3.6–91406 [Virtual Machine], VMware Fusion v6.02 [Virtual Machine]);
- Updated the ‘Emulators/Windows’ section with new emulators (Emu64 v5.09 [Commodore 64], Final Burn Alpha Lite! v0.2.97.29-Fix [Arcade (MISC)], Final Burn Alpha Plus! v0.2.97.29 [Arcade (MISC)], GroovyUME v0.152.015 [Multi-Systems (UME)], MadeInMame32 v0.112 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME32 More! v0.84.152 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME32k v0.67.152 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEXT v0.139 [Arcade (MAME)], Mame Plus! Multi J.E.T. v0.137 [Arcade (MAME)], Mame Plus! UI v0.152 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! XT v0.151 [Arcade (MAME)], MiSFiTMAME v0.128B [Arcade (MAME)], NeoMAMEUI v0.148u3 [Arcade (MAME)], PokeMini Emulator v0.5.4 [Nintendo Pokemon Mini], pSxMAME v2009.09.03 [Arcade (MAME)], ZetaMAME32 v0.110 [Arcade (MAME)]) and new versions of existing ones (AmiKit v1.6.7 [Commodore Amiga]), CANAME v0.62.152 [Arcade (MAME)], CCS64 v3.9.1 [Commodore 64], fastMame v0.98 [Arcade (MAME)], Final Burn Alpha Shuffle v2.4.0–20131210 [Arcade (MISC)], FMSX v3.7 [MSX], GroovyMame v0.152.015 [Arcade (MAME)], HBMAME 0.151-r26602 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME v0.152_i686 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUI v0.152 [Arcade (MAME)], MAMEUIFX v0.152 [Arcade (MAME)], MAME Plus! v0.152 [Arcade (MAME)], MESS v0.152 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MESSUI v0.152 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], MEWUI v0.207_0.152 [Arcade (MAME)], MEWUI FOR MESS v0.207_0.152 [Multi-Systems (MESS)], Model 2 Emulator v1.1 [Sega Model 2], Nemulator v3.3 [Nintendo NES], Pantheon v1.642 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], Pasofami v2.15 [Nintendo NES], PCem v8.1 [PC (IBM PC XT-AT)], puNES v0.77 [Nintendo NES], Raine v0.63.4–17 [Arcade (MISC)], RockNES v5.11 [Nintendo NES], SDLMAME v0.152 [Arcade (MAME)], Speccy v2.2 [Sinclair ZX Spectrum], Ultimo v1.5.1 [Microkey Primo], UME v0.152 [Multi-Systems (UME)], VirtualBox v4.3.6–91406 [Virtual Machine], Visual Pinball v9.2.0 [Pinball], WinArcadia v22.23 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WinDS PRO v2014.4 [Multi-Systems (MISC)], WolfMame v0.152 [Arcade (MAME)], WolfMess v0.152 [Multi-Systems (MESS)]).