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usage: BITOR(string1,string2[,pad])
default: BITOR(string1) = BITOR(string1,'20'x)
-the strings are logically ORed together
-the length of the result is the longer of the two operand strings
-if a pad character is supplied, the shorter string is padded on the right, else the operation terminates at the end of the shorter string and the remainder of the longer string is appended to the result.
-if only the first argument is supplied, BITOR() acts upon string1 as if '20'x were supplied for the 2nd argument. (Thanks to Stefan Haubenthal for pointing out this feature). This acts like a shorthand lowercase conversion function, a function that is missing in arexx. ARexx has the UPPER() function to convert a string to uppercase, but no equivalent function to convert to lowercase.

Example: BITOR('Test') outputs ---> test