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Bearing and Range

=Td BEARING A(n1,n2)..........Returns the A bearing of object n2 from object

=Td BEARING B(n1,n2)..........Returns the B bearing of object n2 from object

=Td BEARING R(n1,n2)..........Returns the range of object n2 from object n1

=Td BEARING A(n,x,y,z)........Returns the A bearing of the world co-ordinate
x,y,z from object n

=Td BEARING B(n,x,y,z)........Returns the B bearing of the world co-ordinate
x,y,z from object n

=Td BEARING R(n,x,y,z)........Returns the Range of the world co-ordinate
x,y,z from object n

=Td RANGE(n1,n2)..............Returns the distance between objects n1 and n2